Testing 224: Farming!

Also, this combustion fuel looks just like a corruption block?

Very much excited to see this!!!

Very excited about the liquid changes and also lighting changes and, yeah, just about everything else!
Just all round very very excited :grin:

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I have to say, this farming update is going to add waaaay more to the game than I was expecting. I am really surprised at how many items there are. People are going to stay busy for a long time once this comes out lol

Great job team! I think this one is a winner winner :+1:


I was playing around with a few things on the test server…I made this video in a hurry because I have to leave in a couple of hours. Didn’t really test “farming” yet lol - I tested paint/tint


do we got any idea what the farm times are?

1 growth cycle is 1 oort day. Some plants take up to 8 cycles to maturity.

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ok so thats 24 min to 3.2HR’s not bad

Wait so exotic earthyams will no longer drop from mud on high level world’s? I’m reading this wrong right. If this means they will not longer drop from mud blocks that ruins many farms. @james or does this just mean basic earthyams?


foliage quality changes

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yam price skyrocket INC

Yeah I’ve got a little mud farm too but I’m just going to convert it to a proper exotic earthyam farm now :slightly_smiling_face:


Regen mud farm is a proper exotic yam farm :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m curious, but will the tier of the world on which we plot our farms affect our harvest? I know plants provide better output when gathered on high tiers in the wild, but I’m wondering if that also applies to player-grown plants.

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I know it will affect what colors you get regarding goo, but not 100% on if it affects how much you get outside of this.

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Adding farming to the game is fine. But the Regen farms should not be messed with.





this is by far the greatest patch ever !!! finally like 90% of things that i always wanted to be changed/fixed :wink: HELL yeah !!!yes


I saw that too and was surprised. Gleam makes up a large part of a build and there are very limited color choices in the game. Considering Goo is high level to gather I am surprised you can’t use it on Gleam…but maybe it will later or there is something else coming for Gleam.

@james Any thoughts? I know a lot of us were hoping that gleam tinting would be a thing. We can put up a poll to show interest? For us builders getting a good gleam color is a big part of it.

When we had the gleambow racing event it was tough to see the beautiful green and other color gleams we haven’t even gotten in the game yet. They would look so good in our builds. Would love thoughts on this!

Edit: Totally excited about this patch! Amazing update and can’t wait to start my farm! It will really flesh our my build having functional farming areas. Great for us ‘natural’ block builders!~


Thanks for the video, Vex! :slight_smile: I’m gobbling up all the info I can right now! You’re right, this is really adding a ton, can’t wait to share some of the new stuff with friends online.

I can see pouring a LOT of hours into the new painting system. Anybody thought my settlement was gaudy before? Just wait… :stuck_out_tongue: Arrghhh, a shame I’ve got to go away for awhile next month, I’ll need to take a staycation sometime after and have a good gaming binge perhaps.

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