Testing 234: Chiselable Glass!

Not gonna lie…I’d prolly soil myself in excitement


Dang, didn’t know they updated the textures and added vehicles. Secret patch notes.


You didn’t see the airplanes and dragons yet?


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: and more!!


We did explore this but the issue is that you can’t destroy your own home beacon. So if you get into trouble then you can always warp home and recover. But if you set a foreign beacon as your home then it can be destroyed by another character or player. This could leave you recovering to an abandoned location - without means to recover.


This already happens if your home beacon expires, I’d think of it as a calculated risk?


The difference is that you control your expiration - but another player could control the beacon.

Clearly it’s possible but I’m just flagging that it’s not without issue.


Is it possible to have the opacity changeable (eg. low, mid, high) on glass/pane?
Maybe with a forged tool.


Maybe with a transform chisel? It could be used for the (hopefully) planned gleam brightness too, I’d rather not get new boons.


What about making it possible to set your Home beacon to only your own characters’ beacons?


Personally i am not so sure i like the ability to change the brightness of gleam, then what is the difference between shadow and bright gleam coulors?
Going from 255 to (15 /18?) coulours, sounds like a step back for me.
But it is not a big deal.

brightness, not color, despite of brightness it is still different color, making shadow red more bright dont make them bright red, its just allowing them to emit more light


After the lighting update, dark gleam colours have a very short falloff, the light intensity falls off just one or two blocks away from it and it gets very dark. It was proposed that the light range could be customized a bit with a tool, the colour wouldn’t change.


just a question

could it be piossible to allow us to use slope chisel at glass pane? this way we can make nice decorations at walls using different glass panes, not only making staight lines and square surfaces but we will be able to make diagonal lines
and allow us to combine bevel chisel + slope chisel to make triangle half-blocks?

wish we could make this with glass panes

The colour ‘would’ change.

With the farming update blocks dont have a defined fall-off at all, they just emit a certain light colour, and with each step the colour disipates towards black at a constant rate, that rate cannot be customised per block as the whole reason for doing this was to make block-lighting Much cheaper as all lights can flood out at the same time instead of having to simulate them one-by-one as before, and especially is critical for the more complex delta-ing algorithm used server-side. This made lighting cheaper to calculate even for lava lakes, even though lava used to have a tiny 2m falloff and now extends ‘much’ further.

Therefore to make a particular gleam extend further, it has to literally become brighter. But we only have so much dynamic-range available, so as colours get brighter they also have to desaturate towards white.


is it not possible just to emit more light (wider light range) without changing gleam block color?

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Apparently no :thinking:

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Maby i should have posted this here :thinking:

Yea they do, the only difference between a shadow and bright coulour is the black/white component(ambient.). The rgb relation are the same over a coulour (eg. all orange have the same relation by rgb (if i undestand it right))…

Nwm, just saw Lucas post, it explain it better then my halting english…