Testing 234: Chiselable Glass!

The reason I do not use the term public is that I think that implies anyone can do anything just like they can in the current public universe. The last statement did imply that the planet renter/owner could limit access so that means the planet is not public like Boori.

Not really. If I have a group or a guild that wants to build on the planet then they all need to get there when every they want to as long as the planet supports enough players. Why should someone that has nothing to do with the planet renter get any preference over the planet owners friends or guild who may have builds or e working on a build with the planet owner?


James discussed in this topic about limiting rented planet access.


Indeed, I remember seeing some of that (the one it links to) but didn’t remember he already talked about public/private like you do.

I do also remember somewhere tho that he said self-hosted wasn’t going to be an option in the beginning right away but that you would be able to change the rules of WS-hosted ones which would then not be linked to the rest.

So we can whitelist/blacklist people, not sure how that will pan out. I mean if only a select few can have access to a planet and it has some nice colours…

Yeah that’s something I don’t want to see.

But I think being able to block some one it’s ok I mean if there is a guy messing up with you, building ■■■■ around your base and such, you should be able to kick him out :crazy_face:

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To be honest, if I get a rental world, I’m pretty sure I’ll use it like Rick uses his :

But if someone dares to come and poop in my toilets, know that just like Rick, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will drop-kick you in lava.

Guys, this thread is going off topic. It’s not about rental planets.
@Stretchious @Havok40k

I had thought about trying to recreate this scene in game. Complete with personal throne lololol

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But on the other hand, do you think there is anything substantial and on-topic to add to this thread? The conversation shifted somewhat organically.
If someone does have something substantial and on-topic to say, it’s not like we’d prevent that person from doing so, y’know?

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I’m not going to move anything right now because I’m hella busy, but I will wag my finger and remind everyone to please (checks notes) stay on topic and create a new topic if you are going to discuss a new topic at great length. Okie? Please excuse me, I have fires to put out at work IRL today.


I think it’s a good discussion that should be on a thread about rental planets. It doesn’t belong here.

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Thing is, the devs will open their own Rental Worlds thread soon after the update goes live, if James is to be believed, so opening a new thread about it now seems pointless.

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Last Testing update before Live. Mainly fixing visual issues exposed by the new OIT renderer.


Sure sure…


Is HDR on PS4 (Pro) new or was it supposed to already work in the current Live version?

Since I’ve never seen the HDR popup when starting the game…

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Me either, pops up for other games but not boundless for me


Indeed, same here.

But, this is kinda making me all excited! Would we be getting PS4 Pro support, a higher resolution than 1080p with HDR??? Might also mean the game overall can run better!!!

Please, @james, tell me Pro support has been added? :slight_smile:


Yay! :+1::+1:

Not sure what the yay is for, this is a bug introduced by the order-independent-transparency back-end graphics driver changes, so you cant have seen the effects of the bug yet since wasnt released in that state on ps4 :stuck_out_tongue:

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Aww, I thought it was to stop the over brightness that I get on my hdr TV through ps4 pro on boundless.

Its never seemed quite right.

You mean it was gonna get even brighter?!

Lands on umbris planet before the bug fix



Come to think of it, these guys are right:

HDR is not active with Boundless, maybe that’s why the contrast doesn’t look right, if you guys have been adjusting it with HDR on, but thats not what we get?

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