Testing 238: Prototype Creative Mode and Modding!

I am already looking forward to creations players will come up with. Not only the possibility to build without the restrictions of the grind but more the players made games and interaction they will come up with. You can see it in the current version of boundless already but it will be so much more.


I’m thinking you would need all the materials to build it on the live planets.

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I don’t think I understand the modding bit - you’ll be able to mod worlds that others have access to? Or will the world only be accessible by yourself? (end goal of this ofc)

So I could make world that had launchpads, low gravity, zip wires and a block that made you move faster on it? And that world would be accessible by other people if they wanted to play on it?

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The stuff I talked with him about was more scripting out a build or that certain blocks show here and there to create a dungeon or easily create things. Maybe in the future it lets the more advanced mods like zip wires, etc. But who knows how fast they develop this area.


I wonder what the possibility is that we can create our own T3-T6 planets with our own hunting mobs, difficulties, rewards, loot stack ratios, etc? :thinking: Could create the diversity in hunting some players have been requesting.

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I think that this can bring possibilities like that in the future.


I don’t know how they see this, but i don’t think mods will be part of the live universe and will be accessible on private universe/planet.


Okay, maybe I’m not understanding the aim of private worlds, but I’m struggling to find a way in which they benefit the game.

This is purely based off of the current player base, if there were thousands of people playing it wouldn’t negatively effect the game I’m guessing. But as the player base is small, I assume it will be a bad thing. BUT I also am not a fly on the wall at Wonderstruck nor do I know the numbers/advertising plans.

Because I also assume the private worlds with mods and creative will not be linked to the main MMO

^ Thats what is floating in my brain atm :joy:


That option is not off the table. That option is on the table as a possibility for sure, but how it actually comes to fruition who knows. What that final implementation is really unknown to all of us. The Devs likely have ideas but don’t know until they start coding it.

For me, this feels like an expansion to bring back players that left and to give players that want to just build a place to play. This gives another option to those people that don’t particularly like the game dynamics in the MMO.

(The MMO has too much conflict because of prestige and people pushing in on other players borders as well as having the need to be the top in prestige or capital or viceroy fights. Some can handle that conflict, others don’t care, and still many others LEFT or cut back playing. — My personal opinion Not devs)

Until such time that those systems can be adjusted to lower conflict (if the Devs want that) this feature gives people a place to build and enjoy the game. Not even to mention those that love building but hate “grind” – now people can basically have their fun without MMO challenges.

Obviously we need many more iterations of the worlds we can create and stuff in creative. But it is there clearly (from my view) to expand the player base and offer people an option to the game in a way that might over time “get them interested in the MMO”. At least all this is what I got after more than a few conversations with James on this privately when I boiled it down. I could be off base in many things and I will never speak that was his sole intent or anything because he needs to speak for himself on why this is happening. What I share is just roughly and generically my impressions from knowing about this for the past few months and some chats on it.

I hope it helps explain things until such time the Devs decide to answer the question directly themselves.


I do not think this has to be a bad thing. The players that do not like something about the current universe, be it certain players, or mechanics now my have options to play the game which could lead to more players playing boundless not less. They may not be in the live universe, but they may not be playing anymore or may be playing solo anyway. More players should be more revenue no matter where they play the game. If you want to have more players then is this not a way for them to be introduced to the game and maybe migrate to the live universe? Or will some players split their time between the two modes?

And to be honest. If suddenly there were 5000 players in the creative universe and still only a few hundred in the live, then maybe the developers need to find out why those players do not want to be in the live universe and consider making changes.


What I found kinda interesting is that you can create a tier_7 exo lucent planet…

Why is that interesting? The lowest tier is 0…


I don’t think of any of us can really say for sure. Anyone who thinks they know is probably BSing you.

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I’d assume thats pretty much off the table as it would either break the economy or be very lack luster as it will have to have limitations to balance it - so either way, i don’t see the point of linking it. HOWEVER I’m very much open to seeing how it could be done.

Focusing on bringing old players back (1%) rather than bringing new players in (99%) doesn’t seem like something a business would do, unless its huge. And I think modding private servers wouldn’t bring new players to the game as Minecraft pretty much does that, (if you wanna get rid of the grind and add machines etc). My point is that I think people come to Boundless, for Boundless - ie the main core of the game, they don’t come to Boundless for ‘what boundless could be’'? Might not have expressed my point correctly there.

dont worry, I don’t think something that a player says, has any reflection on what a devs opinion is

Yeh i totally agree with the creative mode part, like trying out builds testing farms and just ‘doodling’ in game - basically like people already do in magikavoxel but with more relation to boundless with chiselling and mechanics etc

Thanks for your take on this :+1:


Lua indexes from 1.


Yeh I get the creative mode stuff, that’s all cool with me, its just that I can’t, at this point in time with the initial small peek that we have into this area, see why new people would come to Boundless for modding when there is Minecraft?

I play Boundless because it offers things that I like about Voxel Builders along with new things I love about Boundless. But if modding means you can create whatever scenario you want, then why would people come to Boundless to do so, rather than just go to Minecraft and create the same thing. You get me?

*If i was investing in Boundless in regards to the modding/private planets, I’d ask “what do you offer people than Minecraft does not” <-- A question that the main universe can answer very well.


Well the conversation I had clearly had it on the table. That is why I was saying it. That included that items were not crossing “universes.” I’d assume the same thing would be done for anything that would effect the MMO. So really at the end of the day it is “how it could be done” to ensure that the MMO wasn’t destabilized. IF this can happen then likely the link would unless there was another key reason to stop it. If things don’t work technically then it would be taken off. They seem to be very practical in that sense - don’t destroy either side of the equation but do the best to make sure they all can link.

Sorry I should have clarified my point. There were people that left because of the grind, etc. This brings them back. This also, clearly shows they want to expand the market of the game. So I didn’t mention that because I assumed it was seen as another reason. I think modding of Boundless would bring people because while Minecraft does a lot of that, Boundless is prettier in my opinion. Also it offers a lot of other things so this just adds features across the board that opens up the potential for growth in new areas.

Overall it was just conversations I had and I always take it with a grain of salt even from James until I see it posted here. Like for this, I’ve known for a while but new it was an experiment and wasn’t willing to bet it hit until I saw this testing post. They seem to be very careful on when they do or if they do release stuff until it is ready in their view. I think that is why they are cautious with a lot of their limitations on “what they are doing” to the public. I do respect that - deliver what you know works not what you think might work.


I might ask “what don’t you offer that minecraft does?”
-“creative mode”

I’m very excited for this for testing builds and not feeling any pressure to get it done fast. And to use it as a de facto blueprint for a build on a higher tier I haven’t had the patience to do.

I definitely hope this is a stepping stone for a blueprint system. I think it would take the game to another level if we could build here with any color and block type then it would save all the data in each plot, and all the plots in the build, then creates essentially a shopping list we have to fill when we plot it out in live and it automatically builds itself at a reasonable rate so as not to overload the server.


This is too simplistic of a view. Remember that it’s easier to market to a customer that is already acquired than a customer that hasn’t bought yet. This principle applies in sales/marketing and would apply here as well. This 1% or whatever number, has already bought the game. And we know alot of people quit because they didn’t like the grind. They just want to build. This feature would bring those back. In theory.

Yeah, but people quit because of what Boundless currently is- a grind and MMO-less game. Wonderstruck keeps referring to this as an MMO but it’s very light on the features. I think the modding feature would help with retention. Remember that it’s not who buys. But it’s who stays. Retention is currently poor due to a number of things missing. Hopefully the modding fixes that.


Yeh this is what I mean buy “not being apart of the MMO” I don’t care how you get to the planet, being it warp there, through a portal, or closing the game and opening up like you would the testing version. Its about the blocks on that world being able to bleed into the MMO economy. So I understand having the ability to access these places fluidly, just the resources movement.

That’s what I thought too, its defo prettier (maybe i don’t fully understand the modding capability) but what would we be able to do with mods in Boundless that you cannot in Minecraft ← genuine question. Or is ‘a prettier minecraft’ enough?

Yeh I 100% have faith in the devs judgement and abilitys, I’m merely a passenger on this Train Journey we call Boundless, just trying to understand as much as I can. Because of the fact that the private planets were ‘promised’ ages ago, I do wonder if its something they are implementing not because it would benefit the game but rather just because they promised it way back when and maybe its not such a good idea, but “well, we did promise it so i guess we gotta keep to that now” kinda thing ← I’m very happy to be totally of the mark, just being honest :slight_smile: