Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

In test, I reclaimed a build and when I returned the next day most of the ash had already regened. So it seems on test to be following the same cycle as regular regen.


Wasn’t there something about blocks regenning (not sure how to say it ^^) 1 block per second? Maybe the process starts after a few hours only? Or maybe it’s only for the reclaim feature, 1 plot per second? Uuuuuh… I need to dive back in the big wall of text at the top. XD

It was a plot per time amount when reclaiming.

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Yep, 1 plot per second. Once everything has reclaimed (turning blocks to ash), the beacon goes wild and is subject to normal world regen.

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Right, but is there a time frame before the regen starts?
Or is it the same as before? I’m almost sure I saw something recently about the regen process being changed with this update.

This is the Right direction i think.
And one of the very few, if not the only one, Content Addition that actually saves the Player time and the QoL of storing items is just great.
For the first time i like a Content update and actually, even it does not affect me, cant wait to see the Outcome :slight_smile:


@james Any rough idea when this will drop on live? Excited!

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here is some ash reclaim on from previous test beacon I had with containers

kinda cool watching the plots slowly disappear …


I’m glad to see this happen after our last conversation. Even though it is easy to generate this certainly helps protect those that have large amounts. Thank you!

My current understanding is that this patch does not modify how World regeneration works… and that how it currently works is that it takes about 4 hours for World regeneration to kick in… it regenerates up to the normal surface of the world and down to the normal surface of the world several blocks at a time in an almost bubbling or popping manner (depending on where the changes are). The amount of time required to complete World regeneration largely depends on how much of the chunk has been modified.

Feel free to correct me if someone has a more accurate description / information =)


@Jiivita AH! That’s what confused me! I read “1 block being removed roughly every second”, because I saw “Beacon expiration”, which I took as “Land starting to regenerate upon Beacon expiration”.

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I think I missed it but does this mean at expiry the beacon cannot be looted?

Yes this means an expiring beacon cannot be looted. It also cannot be plotted or refueled once the reclaim process has started.


Me actually Sad that I can’t Save Builds anymore the Beatiful city’s kept the world alive

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I think Jiivita said in his video that he could refuel but that wasn’t stopping the reclaim process, which might be something that’s gonna be changed/fixed.

And TBH, if the reclaim feature means people can’t loot a dying beacon, that’s fine by me. That’s such a predatory thing to do, the game doesn’t need that. NOW, saving other people builds… that’s something else!

@james We are supposed to be able to refuel during the reclaim process to stop it, right?
If so, can’t it be done that anyone could refuel a beacon in process of non-manual reclaiming, to save it?

I do not think it is a good idea for anyone to be able to refuel a beacon that is being reclaimed. Should it not be up to the owner what happens to their stuff? If I was letting a beacon expire on purpose it might be to reclaim all the materials and someone stepping in and stopping it would not be a good thing.


Or can there be a option to refuel someone’s beacon when it gets down to a certain day to save the builds people build

If the owner has not given you permission on their beacon to refuel it, then why should you now be able to do this. If we have a persistent universe, why should we be saving builds for players that may or may not ever return to the game? Does this not defeat the purpose of the reclaim process, to clean up abandoned builds but not punish players that may have just missed fueling their beacon by saving all the materials?


( ;.; ) I just like seeing the big beautiful builds I see in screenshots it’s one of the reasons I started to play only to find out those builds disappeared in Trailers and promotion are gone ( ;.; ) me just sad


I dounderstand that, but at least now you can plot the ash and rebuild it if you really wanted to.