Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

Well, I guess if you’re friends with the owner of the expiring beacon?
I don’t know, I mean, I think there would be less people yelling “I wanted my build to die! :angry:” and more people going “Oh thank god you were there! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:”.
If you want your beacon to actually expire, you manually reclaim it, and as I said, that would disable the ability of people to save it.
I can’t really see many people going out of there way to re-plot something replaced by ash blocks to rebuild it. But sparing a little beacon fuel to save a build, that’s different.

I mean, people haven’t been waiting for the reclaim feature to save expiring builds. There actually was quite a number of that going on, even! But now, they won’t be able to do that.

I will agree they want the reclaim feature so players that have had a their fuel run out do not lose everything. That is the point, not to save the builds for players that may or may not ever come back. Again we have a persistent universe so builds need to go away if players leave.

I will agree that not a lot of players will plot the ash and rebuild, but the option is there.

And exactly how many times can you refuel someone’s beacon that has run out of fuel? for 4 weeks, 12 weeks two years? If the point of beacons is to remove old unused builds then I think allowing a random person to refuel a beacon works against the change. And as for it being someone that is listed as a friend, I know a lot of players that have a multitude of players listed as a friend that they have had no interaction with other than a single trade so is this really a good choice?


Well, say if I see a build expire (which TBH never happened to me because I don’t go out of my home beacon often, but still), I would try to save it. THEN, I would try to figure out who the owner is, contact that player and make sure it wasn’t an inactive player, but really a fuelling mishap. That way I could warn said player. If I find out it’s an inactive player, I’ll make sure to let people know so they don’t try to save it either.

MAYBE there’s some kind of weird player who would try to keep someone else’s beacon from auto-expiring over and over and over, but that’s SUCH an unlikely scenario…

And you know what? Why the heck not? If a build is really awesome, why not trying to save it.
That’s another debate, and there I can guess we’d also be on different sides. I personally don’t consider all other beacons as potential garbage that needs to be removed as soon as the owner stops playing to make space.
I personally find the actual ‘natural’ worlds of the game to be quite boring, and I’d like to see prefabs that look like builds / ruins.

We need a Heaven planet that builds go to for promotion for new players lol alot like Sanctum can’t do nothing but look (^-^)

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If it was a mall or streets I can see players wanting to keep it fueled.

I do not see them as garbage either, but at the same time they are occupying space or prime locations where other players might like to build. Lets use the road example, might as well let another player build the roads and be an active partner in a community versus someone that may or may not have any interest in returning to the game. It could also be considered as an exploit. Why should plots belonging to someone that is not playing stay in the game and be used by other players? Why should roads or a mall or a portal hub remain without an active player using their plots?


Well, if some people actually think it’s worth keeping, why not?
It wouldn’t be systematic.
Like I said, people currently save expiring beacons quite often.
Are you having issue with them doing that? I don’t.

As someone who spent months trapped by dead builds that other people “Saved” and also still cringes over what appears to have happened in Horizon city i’m glad this will no longer be a thing.

A matter of opinion but dead (especially half regenned) builds do not keep a world seeming alive.

There are gleam clubbers who just don’t like to see builds regenerate. OR beacon them thinking they’ll clean it up later. Or something. I finally got two of these torn down but there’s a forge shop near me that was abandoned in January 2019 on it’s third owner now.

Aye also why should the players who griefed someone into quitting get to take all their stuff?

I mean, I can see the point of some people who would like to preserve nice builds but if you’re not moving into it, or doing something with it, you’re really just blocking out newer players and trashing the place up.



Given the current mechanic where everything goes way? No I think it is nice of players to do that. With the change in the mechanic where the items are reclaimed and stored, I view it as unnecessary.

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I’m just Sad aren’t you Sad james-chan @james you gave me motivation to save not destroy when me witness you saving Big Beautiful Builds can you continue to do that I give you :cookie: (^-^)

If you want save expiring beacons, it is best document those with video and upload to youtube.
Would quite interesting archive project that anyone with internet connection can access :slight_smile:

@Nightstar @Kal-El I guess you two make some good points, but I would still tend to say most of the situation described by Nightstar should normally be able to be dealt by talking with the implicated players.
There would be some merit to still be able to save builds, and removing the ability to do that would indubitably be a blow to some of the more altruistic members of the community.

To me, the real end-all solution would be a blueprint feature. Then there would indeed be no-need for saving builds and such.

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And a site and trailer update so dont start playing thinking of seeing older builds for motivation but more recent builds in game

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That is coming in the future. For now, this new beacon reclaim feature will be a move in the right direction for this particular game.


I agree with the sentiments that all builds expiring need to go. I understand why people have preserved builds, and i consider it an act of kindness, but id much rather see every single build deteriorate, if the original owner left the game permanently.

I actually think its kind of beautiful, that every build in the game only is preserved, if the owner insists it should persist.

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Hey @georgegroeg, you forgot something in the roadmap! :smiley:

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Personally I am fine if old builds go away that people have given up on or quit. It gives space back to new players and the ability to see the game world actually change… nothing is more boring than the same thing that never will move because someone can’t let it go.

I like you feel the reclaim here is the win. If people don’t want their builds to go then they can give friends the ability to fuel them or work to move the plots over to that other person.


Also bear in mind that the reclaim system is a pretty big prerequisite for rental worlds…

… for example, a player allows you to plot and build on their world, then decides to deny you access, your builds are reclaimed so you don’t lose anything and the world owner can’t hold you to ransom over being able to get your stuff back… they also can’t refuel your beacons to benefit from them.


As soon as spark is able to be sold in the main game, i’m making a town with both a power plant and a power shop!


I’d like to see a button to eject the spark in a system added to this.
Also it’d be cool if the reclaim sorting system were added to regular storage

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This will be so fun >:D

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