Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

I kinda kurious who the 1st person with a 20 million Prestige build does this lol

I have a dummy question if I unbeacon myself it doesn’t go to reclaim right?

removing plots or “deleting” the beacon wont modify the plot contents or go into reclaim storage.

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Thankyou Luca-chan here a :cookie:

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When i delete my beacon, the items go not into reclaim storage?

Hmm. I manually reclaimed/deleted a beacon on the test server and all of the items went into the cloud/reclaim storage. I then placed a new beacon and was able to retrieve all of those items.

Edit to add: After reading Luca’s post below, I think I should refer to it as removing via reclaim…
Choices are: Removing a beacon via reclaim, removing a beacon via deletion, a beacon removed due to auto-reclaim.
So, technically, I removed my own beacon via reclaim ( deletion).


“deleting” a beacon, is as the text now describes; equivalent to just manually unplotting all of the beacon; nothing is reclaimed, you are just leaving everything as-is unprotected.

“reclaiming” a beacon, is the new process where plots are removed one-by-one over time with all items and blocks reclaimed into storage, and the blocks converted to Ash.


So… Don’t know if someone asked or pointed this out. The reclaim system feels like it could introduce a form of strip minning into the game.

Say I have 100 plots, and I plot a line through a hotspot of diamonds. I then reclaim the beacon, gain all those resource seams without using nearly as many resources as I normally would have (a fraction of the time, and forged equipment). And if a group of players did this we could strip entire zones away in minutes versus hours (ive seen those exo mining teams at work before)…

Is this allowed? An exploit? Against ToS? Or just unintended gameplay mechanics?

Only reclaims placed blocks, so not sure this would work like you are saying.


In jiivita’s testing the ground under his building when plotted was also reclaimed.

Yeah this has definitely been mentioned, it’s not supposed to be viable though. I haven’t been doing any testing on this but if it did take some plotted layers of ‘natural’ ground and turn them into ash I’d assume the blocks and/or resources just won’t be in the rift storage.

If that’s the behavior though you could sure do some griefing with it.

Curious so testing it now. Placed a beacon in a spot that would plot the side of hill with exposed copper. Just put one machine in the beacon as a test as well. So in a couple of hours I will reclaim it and see if the copper is part of the reclaim.

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Yes because he had placed grass there…


If its about mining, I don’t think it worth effort to do the exploit like this.
Place 100 plots underground is very difficult, most case you need to clear all blocks inside of that 100 plots, and in this case I think you already get the resource you need. Also when you plot it, it won’t regen. As result, when you reclaim it, you won’t get any resource. Don’t even need to mention how powerful current mining meta you can get huge amount of resources under 1 hour grinding. This why I don’t feel we need to worry about the case like this.

We should worry more about the source like beans or other surface source. You can get more profit by exploit those.

Compactness will make giant areas slightly more difficult, but you can plot through solid rock.

A single tunnel and you could plot a pretty big area.

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But still, I think you spent same time as place 100 plot for mining.
I think you can still get more sources.

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So my test results


Reclaim returned the beacon control and the machine as expected.

Unexpectedly it also grabbed 1 piece of soil beneath the machine and beneath the beacon control and 1 additional piece of soil from where I was standing when I did the reclaim command which is odd. Also the grass from the top of each of those 3 pieces of soil was grabbed.

It did not reclaim anything else, none of the rock or the copper that was inside the beaconed plot area got touched at all.


The soil under the machine and beacon make sense as you made changes to them(no longer have grass on them so now are just a soil block instead of soil and grass block) so if anything its weird that you got grass seed. Unless grass usually stays under a beacon and machine. But I thought it got rid of them. Will have to check when I get home. I know putting other blocks on top of grass removes the grass. Also it’s odd that the block you were standing on got reclaimed.

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Yeah, a couple of odd results, but not a complete stripping of everything in the beacon by any means.

the grass remains beneath “most” blocks like machines ,it just gets reduced to “no height grass”, aka equivalent of take some soil, and plant 1 seed of grass in it