Testing 243: Smarter Stacks and Stability!

This made me laugh for like, 4 minutes


Then I would like to see Adjacent added to transformation chisels to make transformation chiseling a bit easier to do. Currently you have to do it block by block, and because some recipes only accept certain rock types *Glares at you, Marble … Need to transformation chisel to metamorphic just to craft…

I think a machine like the painter would be better.

Even If I had to feed the machine with the chisel I would take it, anything to not do it entirely myself.


Or something like this :

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I would love effect adjacent chisels for mass use cases… like chiseling a floor / road / wall down to half blocks before adding the finale detail… or an irrigation trench for farms… whatever corner/ edge you hit on your target block would also be chiseled for the other blocks. As far as the effect patterns… I would say a horizontal / vertical (1×3 , 3×1 , 1x5 or even 1x9 :scream: ) pattern would be more versatile than the standard 3x3



Uses for the transformation chisel AOE:

Brick is decided by rock type, and some colors are only in certain rock types. So if you want different bricks to do your road with in those colors you need to create the bricks then block change them.

When we made the PS City Roads we had to block change the center blocks so we could have the color we wanted! AOE would have been AMAZINGLY useful.

Quick change Gems/Metals:

I have several times needed to change a mass amount of metals (Iron to Copper) or Gems for a build/recipe! Being able to AOE chisel would make the changing process so much faster.

I would place all the blocks down in my base and one at a time change them :frowning: it took so long. AOE would have made that so much faster.

Making large amounts of Marble:

Marble can only made from Refined Meta Rocks. If there is a color you want for a build then group AOE changing rocks is your only choice to get that color in marble. Would be amazing! A single mass craft takes 45, and if you are doing a build with marble you are going to need many mass crafts to complete it. Having AOE would really help.

Just a few use cases!


So now here in lies the problem! On one half, we have people wanting the transformation chisels AOE for building, gem changing, and rock type changing by hand. & on the other half we have people wanting a new machine that transforms gems, blocks etc. In the masses(Excludes build chiseling) So in retrospect, we need both right!!?? Because, AOE build chiseling obviously cant be done in a machine but the other 2 can. So I say we need both! Machine and the AOE boon added to chisels! Would make EVERYBODY happy! :wink:

We only need a machine…

Once we are used to having one we will use it to block change building materials BEFORE we build with it. That will be faster so am sure everyone will.

An AoE chisel for block changing is only needed for already placed blocks.

I don’t think any other chisel types benefits from AoE…


Ya but jiivita had a good point earlier in his post about effect adjacent chisels for building which could actually be pretty useful, so idk it’s a tuffy… :smile:

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I would add maybe add a way to search for colors it is very time consuming to run around searching each shop stand for the color you need.

While I agree that one should be introduced at a time, both should be added. The AOE effects would actually benefit the other chisels.

Doing chisel work on a floor/wall is very time consuming and even more so when doing sample areas to see the look before implementing. Run through with an aoe unchisel and the surface is ready for the next iteration. Want consistent lines on your walls, aoe square chisel.

@Tagris if they made a machine that would allow you to change the blocks lets say in qty of 50’s it would make life MUCH easier. We would feed it a changing chisel, select the type you want to change it to and let the machine do all the dirty work. This would be a dream come true for anyone who does chisel changing at a big scale… Don’t get me wrong the AOE chisel would help but my lazy oortian butt would prefer a machine :stuck_out_tongue:


Yea , I did a suggestion post up on a machine that would do that.

Ross just asked for use cases, so I provided some.

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