Testing 245: Locked sovereign world atmosphere level continues to increase

Is this supposed to keep increasing the atmosphere level whilst the world is locked?


I think it was around level 12 when I was kicked off… going to have to wait a while for it to cool down after it’s unlocked :joy:

…ok… now it shows as 28 :eyes:



Its going to explode.


I wonder if it would just keep climbing… Lvl 102000402010 Caustic Atmosphere :dizzy_face:


It’s a shame it went back to level 1 when it unlocked… I wanted to see if it insta-killed me :joy:


PSA: This is what exo’s do when they “leave”. When they time out, you can stay on the world. They increase the atmosphere until you die.

I imagine this is expected behavior for locking too.

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Awww you missed your chance at a meme

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Right but exos despawn quickly so they don’t really get past level 12 or so.

A rental world on hold could keep leveling for days/weeks, maybe?

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@Vurtadelic I believe has a screenshot that shows the atmo of an expired exo at around 211 or so.

Sure do

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now i NEED to see the atmosphere level of the first exo @lucadeltodecso