Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

As there was some mention of it above:

Biomes do not dictate resources (such as seams and mushrooms), that is tied to the world profile (lush, blast etc) and tier of world. A Tier 7 biome on a lush world would never spawn Rift or Gems. Hope that clears some things up


Great then if these are possible the developers can let us select all 61 colors for any rock.

Thanks!! :slight_smile: Question though, if the world and tier profile are correct for the resource you are going for, then the biomes could influence how MANY of that resource you get though? For example, if the Arid world type weighted it in favor of having desert biomes, then pairing that with a T6 burn could in theory increase the odds of a higher ruby count, or if you had a water-heavy biome profile, you could increase the number of emerald/amethyst on a toxic/corrosive? So though the resource types are tied to the resource and tier profile, the biomes do play into where on that planet they spawn, how many total there are? (I’ve seen gem counts on exos of the same type and tier range from 10-20k up well into the hundreds of thousands based on what biomes are there, so if we can chose a biome profile on top of the world type and tier, it would seem to weight rolling a world with a resource we want heavily in our favor)


@james I never got a world. Is this still in testing?

Yep. They haven’t made an announcement yet that the first batch has been retired. I think that’s going to happen to test reclaiming and then the second batch will be done.

That is true (but as ever not the whole story), while the world type dictates what things could spawn, you still need rocks for example to spawn metals. So biomes will have some sway on where you find the resources. However there is a little bit more to the resource logic that attempts to spread out sensible amounts of resources.


So my planet is locked. I went to reclaim a beacon and the system let me. Now it says the followiing

When I go to my home beacon. It does not indicate there are any beacons to reclaim.

What step have I missed or is this a problem?

Thanks for the answer, that is interesting! :slight_smile:


Hey I’m in that screenshot :sweat_smile: and we’ll have to continue the tour later. Since I got kicked off the server I decided I probably should eat and relax a bit so I can get to bed.

Also can’t wait to test my planet :crossed_fingers: hopefully today

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Interesting looks!. I wonder how many ‘rolls’ it would take to get a blink palette with white metamorphic rock. game changer!

I really really like the wave wall biome though, only it looks like the walls/mountains are too thin.

Hopefully that is one reason the servers are down. . getting more test planets ready.

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Skimming through the posts, so will T7 planets be available as a rental?

There’s speculation about it but no confirmation yet from the devs. They’ve said we cannot get exo profiles but world builder has non-exo T7 profiles in it.


@DanBeforeTime @Kal-El

We’re in the process of Terminating the original batch of private worlds.

When a world expires it goes into a Locked state. A player can still extend the world and it’ll become active again as we tested during the week. But if the world is not extended then we Terminate it this force reclaimed all beacons on the world and then deletes it.

Once the termination is complete then all beacons should be available to reclaim.

After this I will put a new batch of private worlds online.


Fingers crossed I get a good world for doing some highlight vids of the private world.


Good to know. Here’s to hoping. Thanks for the reply.

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Okay, that explains why the atlas of my Sovereign World planet still works when I visited Testing yesterday. I could not access the planet anymore though :+1: :grinning:

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Confirmation for DEV-HQ
The world Orelio Testing- 02 is gone, the atlas went blank also.
Four beacons successfully reclaimed.
It works flawlessly :+1::+1:


All Beacons Reclaimed fine for me. If a player had already reclaimed a beacon, and still had items left in the reclaim tab on that beacon (on a sovereign world) when the world either forces a reclaim on everything, or when the world owner forces a reclaim - will the player lose all the items in the reclaim tab similar to how it would if you deleted a beacon with items still in the reclaim?

This is one thing that I want to test out :slight_smile: