Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

All I was saying is that Xaldafax’s proposal doesn’t inherently restrict the ability to use a free warp regardless of which world you’re on. Your post beneath his saying…

…made it seem to me as though you were saying having a sovereign world home override the public world home would make players unable to warp home while they were playing in the main universe. I think I may have misunderstood if you weren’t replying to Xaldafax or if that’s not what you were going for with that.

I mean yeah. I’m for having 2 homes. But I’d rather have 1 home that could be a sovereign world than no possible sovereign world home. But yes, ideal situation would be 1 of each for sure.

If they have no home in the main Universe, then they wouldn’t be able to warp to their old home beacon in the main Universe (correct?). This feature would only be good for players that rent a planet and we never hear from them again lol (if they never visit the main Universe again). Which, very well may be the case for some peeps :sweat_smile:

I think the original issue with a home beacon on rental planets was that the devs need a place to be able to send a character if they don’t pay for their rental, if there are accessibility issues with their rental, etc.

Currently you’re correct, however Xaldafax also wrote…

Yes, it’d be a code change. No, it does not behave as the world does currently. However, if the devs went with this, I don’t think there’d be any increased cost to warp home, regardless of home location, if a player was in the public universe. That’s all I wanted to originally say :sweat_smile:.

This is just a semantics discussion now though. I get what the original issue, especially since James spelled it out so nicely. But since he also said that there’s an aim to allow sovereign worlds to be used as Beacons I think people are just offering their ideas and input to try to help. :man_shrugging:

Correct, we all are :+1: . Lots of good ideas above

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I know your response might not have been to me.
The sovereign world IS part of the main Universe so their “home” is their home just like any other place. The only issue that happens is if the planet goes away. So we just need some default way to easily catch and solve that with minimal effort and we are fine.

Just like we don’t allow 2 home locations in the game currently (for a variety of reasons and abuse concerns), I don’t see any reason or option why with the addition of Sovereign worlds that should change.

Just to clarify with my post because I. used “sovereign home.” I still meant there should only be 1 home throughout the Universe. I only used that term because the home was on the “sovereign planet”. So I figured it would delineate it somehow and in case the world went offline then a public home would be defaulted to. I probably should have used another term.

The easy fix is to just have the capital on the planet the Sovereign is orbiting be the default warp location until a new Home is selected after the Sovereign goes offline.

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I plan to rent a planet, but my home is in the main Universe.
I want to be able to warp home for free in the main Universe (public planets), just like everyone else.
Why does renting a planet have to effect my current home? Or will it? If it doesn’t, then ok.

What about the players that rent several planets? Not everyone is planning to move to a rental - some just want them for resources. :woman_shrugging:


My suggestion is to give everyone two “home beacons” regardless of whether they get a sovereign world or not (so it’s fair). One of the two (or both) must be on public worlds.


I would exploit this.


Can I start asking for your permanent ban or is it too soon?

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Only if I get a badge or something too.


I feel the best option is the one that is easiest to code and test and something tells me the devs are up to the task!

Now… Anyone having fantasies about any surprise additions the this release?

Or… What the next release is gonna be about?


I hope it’s an overhaul of the skill tree in preparation for really really big things

T8 exos and rentable t7 worlds :drooling_face:


RNG spawning dungeons. The worlds could have 1 dungeon always active, and they spawn over x amount of time but there would always be one guaranteed butt you’d have to hunt it down, like a treasure hunt almost.

Or OR OR. They could design sextants and we could get skills or cartography, and various, not in high demand currently, resources could give us increased chances of finding it easier or spawning harder enemies for better rewards.

Like meteors I guess, but a knew way of hunting monsters.


I want tacos


You’d be fine in my book because your home is still on a public planet… so the warp home free should be no different. If someone wanted the private to be their home they should get that but lose the public home just like now if you decide to switch home between two planets. The sovereign planets are just basically the same as public planets minus the obvious differences.

It shouldn’t.

But people WILL want to make their home on a sovereign planet.

If you move your workshop to your own planet, you want to be able to change skill sheets there for sure.

If you move your main base and storage to your own planet, you definitely want to be able to warp there, just as you would on a public planet.

The reason for the two home thing (and other suggestions about emergency/backup warp locations) is because the devs stated a list of reasons to not allow people to make their home beacon on their own planet, that mostly revolve around it not being “safe”. If you could set your home to your own world this wouldn’t have come up.


I would also :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Honestly not sure how this can be exploited that can’t already be done pretty easily by other methods. The only exception being the ability to change skill pages at 2 locations.


Easy trip home to unload inventory and back was my first thought. I know the reclaim can too but I don’t think there’s a cooldown in setting home.

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So can we just speak the big elephant in the room?

How much these planets are costing?..
It would be shame to get all these people hyped and after it say “ok it costs 20$ per month”