Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued


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I feel you, but this can create a tremendous amount of work. A lot of costs.

It doesn’t matter what the holdup is, we will probably get all of these things faster by waiting.

As far as just getting some of them - it’s a ton of work to do what you’re talking about. Considering that one of the major concerns for the game is about funding it seems unlikely.


While you wait…



Check this sign regularly for progress…:wink:


As Nightstar said, it’s likely very difficult to pick and choose which stuff goes out, but even if they could, the central feature is the local universes, not the skill changes or melee weapons, as much as we MMO players would like to think otherwise.

Then, we look at the local universe release. Once this goes out, it’s out. Then, people try it and they either like it or don’t.
Since the changes they are looking at are centered around making sure people’s first impressions aren’t “why do I have to wait 3 hours to play???” and then getting a refund, changing it later could be a fatal mistake for the release.

TL;DR: You only get one first impression, don’t have a 2 hour loading screen for it.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Other games

Thing is, this update isn’t for us, not really. We’re getting a couple changes as a side effect of the main update. The people who this update is actually for don’t play the game and aren’t hanging out on the forums waiting for the update. They are playing MC, Ark, Valheim, or whatever, and they should, IMO, find out about this when it’s ready.


I just want to be able to make Bob fat…is that to much to ask? He eats pie all day COME ON! :rofl:


I have a suggestion for all the people getting bored and waiting for the update:

- go to the testing server and try out the new features
- provide feedback
- find early bugs
- etc

When I go to the testing server, it is always completely empty!


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By all the people
You mean PC player only just saying lol😃


I do understand the scope of what they are trying to accomplish, which is why I said it grew out of scope. They are trying to future proof the game so that it will be feasible to play even if (Not saying it is) the live servers die. Basically building in the Minecraft server system into a game that was originally designed with an entirely different backbone structure to it’s server interaction. and I agree with several of the other people here saying that this feature is more for the people who aren’t playing boundless yet than the existing playerbase. That isn’t to say that there aren’t new things in the update for the rest of us though, like new weapons, shields (with the whole ability to shield incoming damage being a new mechanic), and other such things.

I always preferred the small once every other month updates that added a feature here, a new block there, kept something being added without long periods of waiting. This update has been on the test server in one form or another for over 6months, and honestly it seems I am not the only long time player who is fizzling out from the drought. I understand the developers appear to be taking a more “standard” MMO release approach where you get one or two big updates through the year and everything else is just bug fixes. I’m just pointing out that I no longer play 90% of those MMOs anymore, and am only really putting time and money into the ones doing the smaller updates throughout the year now. Which used to be boundless, but I’m starting to think the game will mean more to me as a fond memory than an active interaction at this point.


This local universe feature was in the original scope of the project.

I mean, this is the first update that has taken anywhere near this amount of time. I understand where you are coming from, but you’re assuming that 1 or 2 updates a year will be the norm from here on out. I’m pretty sure the length of time is due to the aforementioned difficulties with the update. Normal feature updates have never taken this long in the past, and I don’t believe they will in the future.

If that’s the case after this, feel free to call me out in the future for this comment. XD


COVID was a thing and still remains a thing for many businesses. When you combine COVID, BG3 and I am sure all kinds of scope creep, logistical challenges and just the everyday headaches of development within a small team being pulled in numerous directions 6 months, seems almost ok with me.

Being a developer for a company larger than Wonderstruck and having gone through COVID, 2 rounds of layoffs, pay cuts and many of our clients having the same issues… I totally understand.

This doesn’t warrant zero communication in my eyes, but having spoken to James directly he is working hard. I do know patience only lasts so long, but as I stated MANY times … if people are getting bored with the game and leaving, an update, no matter how large, isn’t going to help alleviate the boredom for very long if at all. I pray it does, but I have my doubts.

As for me, I love the game and enjoy every second I play it…


If it turns out I won’t be able to run private universes on my potato, I’d still love to participate in modding. I’m not at all dissapearing from the public MMO; ARK players know that player hosted servers are a lot of fun but also pretty ephemeral and the game’s own PVE servers were pretty busy. Buildings in ARK on the company servers had very short life spans if you didn’t get on and reset your timer like every 11ish? days or so; I got stuck in someone’s building and couldn’t get out (no sanctum in ARK) and my building on the tiny piece of land I could find on a PVE server timed out so I built another one on a pedestal out in the ocean :smiley: I usually played several servers at a time because a) no footfall b) played on a lot of mod developer test servers c) avoiding video games until mid-late life just made me a ginormous addict once i fell in :smiley:

I forget why I’m posting, video games rot my mind or something maybe ;D


As bad as no communication is, it could be so so so much worse. PR people are pretty cheap to hire and creep my ■■■■ completly, I’ll take silence over a canned rep with a silver tongue.

Death Penalty Brew :drooling_face: me wants Da Brew

Us: “All I want is communication”
Dev: communicates
Us: “…communication and titans”


Adding the ability for a local universe to either be immediately downloaded or added as part of the initial download was not. And if I’m not mistaken, that’s the current part holding things up.

The person I replied to was specifically saying that the local server feature is increased scope from the original project. I just didn’t quote enough for that to be obvious, sorry.