Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

So 360 skil points for 5 sheets instead of 500, the levelling xP increase is bad news for the non 1k club (which makes sense for the number of times I’ve read someone saying there’s nothing to do after you’ve leveled up all your pages), I’m totally unable to ascertain how the limiters work that divide 360 points by 5 to get 100. Do the skills you set the same on each character share the same skill point? Does this simply allow creation of low-wattange specialists with feer points and other pages with more (more than 100 points or is that still capped?). I can see some ways this culd be interesting to play with but i realllly hate the 15 minute cooldown—enough that I blow a thousand cubits on skill cleanse points in a super fun session. I love this whole, hi we’re the devs and we’re going to add infectious plagues to the game, which payed right will be more fun than now but we aren’t being very clear so enjoy your angsty wondering how long it will take our crappy video game skills to recover from this, tra la la. I keep running into new mysteries/elements of Boundless I didn’t know were there, once I can wrap my head around this I can get started on pretending its another mystery/discovery… :smiley:

Thanks @Rydralain

You’re right, it’s not my favourite approach I suppose, but it was one I remembered well since I played Warframe a fair bit. I think I’d prefer something like you describe too but it really depends on how it would work out in-game; also as you point out, more control/customisation over it would be best if possible, since different things do work for different people.

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Each skill page will be capped at 359. And instead of the current system where if you have 500 skill points total you get to use 500 for all the skill pages, you get to use them on each skill page. For example, if you have 100 skill points being lv50, you get to use 100 skill points on each skill page, not total like as of now, making it effectively 500 skill points.

that already pretty much lets you cover most skills with skill pages, the higher levels pretty much are so that you can cram in more skills into one page so you don’t have to switch skill pages as often.


It’s by the ARK people who couldn’t be effed to include us Mac leusers in Conan, the Pirate thing that should have just been an ARK mode, or —and this was the worst snide of all— we got left out of PixARK! I wanted PixARK so I could have all the play and none of the 0.3fps ARK could cough up hen it wasn’t completely barfing up over the trackpad “mouse” inputs. Low poly ARK would have been a dream come true. I keep meaning to play more RUST so I get used to moving around in that engine, some PVE servers are like hippy/punk hangouts and I love that stuff, and they have instruments now! We will too though, in the sov universes thing… hooo baby omg please stars and skies let me be part of a mod community again, nobody plays MOO anymore…

Are you saying we can use more than 100 skill points on a page–I couldn’t quite parse what the cap applied to when 356 was mentioned earlie, OMG this would be my dream come true; right now I move the epics between hold and fire and chisel and jump and gathering and mass craft & etc (and just flat out buy the cubits for event paint/garb)… 359 skill points would make me one happy happy smooth gatherexplorer who can take some lumps… sigh, I feel like sunshine just came out on me.

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Is gleam club membership not recognized in the beta for a character?

As far as I can tell from my testing, there’s no elementalness to shields. I think just use whatever shield you like, seems to be how it’s working at the moment anyway.

I made a small video (quality is still processing), below, that shows how I tested this. I mostly watched for the stamina reductions and kept an eye on the combat log on the side and noticed no big difference between using a Diamond and an Emerald shield versus an Elite Toxic Spitter. The small difference of energy usage seemed to come from the equally small difference of protection given by both shields, as far as I could tell.

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A dev can clarify or correct me; I don’t remember the exact technical explanation but generally speaking the testing universe only has a copy of whatever your account state was at the time the current testing universe was generated. The existing testing universe is quite old now I think, even though it hasn’t been accessible that often.

I bought pixark for PS4, underwhelmed.

MOO = master of Orion?


So unless the devs add this feature (which would be a nice, more in-depth mechanics to combat) I just have to forge one set of shields, not 6 for my hunter alt.
Thanks for testing this :smiley:

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Multi-User Dungeon Object Oriented. These were amazing, LambdaMOO had gopher tablets inside the game!

I have club membership since the first day of its availability. Is the server really so old?

It’s possible I’m simply misremembering what the information was referring to; or that I’m just misremembering something completely out of context. But in any case I’ve had GC in the live universe before and during times when the testing universe was also up, I didn’t have GC there too. I think there was one time I did, but I can’t be sure about it anymore.

Hopefully @james, @Leahlemoncakes or someone else from the devs can clarify why this situation occurs, though I’m also curious as to why you needed GC to be active in testing. (or maybe you just wondered why it wasn’t)

I feel like the issue here is more that some people feel the 3rd person view is obstructed by the character…

could be worse… this could be warframe where the cape blocks like 30-50% of the screen


Can we get capes?

edit: just to be clear i dont think there is anything wrong with the camera… it could be a little higher


Yeah that centered camera is too low especially with capes

Anyone else remember how guild wars 2 was one of the first 3D games with capes?

Real money purchases are disabled completely on testing (or at least they should be). Things like Gleam Club don’t transfer over as it’s a separate universe and it can only ever be applied to your test account by a dev. The only real need for GC on test previously was to test the new emoji’s and other GC related perks.

Sometimes, yes. Currently the test universe is a completely different universe and not a copy of live (It’s been the same test universe since just before the farming update went into test).

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I think you mean Guild Wars 1. If you don’t count medium armor buttcapes, GW2 only got capes about 6 months ago.


Since when did Boundless Universal Trade Tracker have capes?


Yup, @James can give some GC for testing. Honestly, it might just be nice for the Devs to enable GC on the “give menu” of the Dev controls or something. It would be nice to turn on and off to do testing as needed. I’m just not sure how the coding would work and how easy/hard.

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Too bad it isnt a consumable item that can be traded/sold

Which could later be added as purchasable in the shop and then we would have basically PLEX/eve online and WoW Gold/World of warcraft…

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