I’ve noticed this a few times, but finally got around to creating a topic for it.
When i was trying to name any of my beacons “Suji’s”-anything (this is on PS4), and i would press R2 to confirm out of the ps4 textbox, the text would be completely wiped from the boundless box. Not just the word, but the entire text. After some trial and error, it seemed to be the apostrophe that caused this to happen.
I noticed there are 3 types of apostrophe’s. The first one (on the ps4 text-pad) does not have this issue. The other 2 do. This means i effectively can’t use either, because it will just wipe the entire text. It’s almost like it’s being picked up by some kind of profanity filter?
Would you be able to post a screenshot showing the problematic symbols in question? I think I discovered them, but I just want to check if they are the same ones you’re having issues with.
Screenshot is a bit tricky on PS4, but there’s 3 types of apostrophe’s on the PS4 keyboard. The most left one is the only one that works. The 2 symbols next to it are the problem-children.
We currently only support rendering characters in the ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 character set in game (+ a few slight changes needed for some license text etc)
When using localized PS4 virtual keyboards they unfortunately give us no way to limit which characters appear on the keyboard and we didn’t want to limit it to just English keyboards with limited character sets. At the same time the api we’re using doesn’t let us filter the text as you type but only when you “Accept” the text, so at that point if we detect you used any characters that are unsupported we just reject the whole string.
I did want to update this with a PS4 dialog saying “Character X which you typed is unsupported” at which point we could reopen the text dialog and let you edit out that one character, but I didn’t get around to this yet. We also found an alternate api which would let us reject the character as you type in the virtual keyboard which may be a better experience but switching to that would be more work.
We’ll at least get an issue logged that we should put some form of error feedback to the user to say which character was unaccepted.