Text color issue with other players

Im not seeing a players text chat with a custom color, im only seeing :#vividazure: have confirmed with another player that they are seeing the text chat color as intended

this is not all players this is only the first one i have ran into that i noticed this on. I thought the player ran out of gleamclub but they confirmed they have gleamclub.

They are on the ps4 and im on pc, i have submitted my game logs with a description of the issue at about 2021-01-27T03:30:00Z

i have that too, and i see it on signs too. i noticed that start happening after installing the mod that displays the number of the color, not sure if there’s causality.

I completely forgot about that, i have 2 at the moment. ill do a repair from steam and then test to see which one of those is the culprit. i have both a modified itemcolorstrings.dat file and also my english.json has had the color names changed to include the color number.