[Thakatori] --[T4 - Inhospitable Lush Color-Cycling Exoworld]-- [Active]

--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 7021
Name : Thakatori
Special Type : Color-Cycling
Type : Lush
Tier : T4 - Inhospitable
Atmosphere : Lvl 1 Caustic (1 level)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : â–˛ Water | â–Ľ Water
Region : EU Central
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
21 blinksecs from Circarpous I
Warp Cost : 1700c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared August 31, 2024 12:00 PM
Last until September 14, 2024 12:00 PM
Block Colors : This world is a “Color-Cycling” world. That means the colors change every 2 minutes at random.

Initial Resources

------------[Embedded World Resources]------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Soft Coal Seam6,253,41432.22%169.63
2Iron Seam4,662,92424.03%126.49
3Copper Seam3,316,40817.09%89.96
4Coal Seam1,483,8877.65%40.25
5Ancient Tech Remnant Seam1,141,5615.88%30.97
6Medium Fossil Seam827,7404.27%22.45
7Ancient Tech Component Seam687,4033.54%18.65
8Small Fossil Seam666,0963.43%18.07
9Silver Seam246,2741.27%6.68
10Gold Seam120,4970.62%3.27

--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Basic Boulder42,75419.50%1.16
2Primordial Resin24,61811.23%0.67
3Beanstalk Boulder18,8858.62%0.51
4Twisted Aloba14,2806.51%0.39
5Tinted-Burst Fungus13,4096.12%0.36
6Desert Sword11,5345.26%0.31
7Boulder Tower11,3705.19%0.31
8Oortian's Staff9,6864.42%0.26
9Waxy Tuber Plant7,6923.51%0.21
10Oorum Wheat7,0383.21%0.19
11Kranut Plant7,0103.20%0.19
12Oortian Rice6,6803.05%0.18
13Juicy Starberry Vine6,5743.00%0.18
14Ancient Oat6,2482.85%0.17
15Starberry Vine4,7822.18%0.13
16Tapered Boulder4,7712.18%0.13
17Exotic Tuber Plant4,5662.08%0.12
18Glossy Starberry Vine4,4792.04%0.12
19Mottled Tar Spot Fungus3,7151.69%0.10
20Rosetta Nox3,5241.61%0.10
21Spineback Plant3,2451.48%0.09
22Tuber Plant2,3141.06%0.06



I set up a Beacon outside Dragon Hub for Free Warps for Friends to Color Cycling Exo (Made out of Coal, NE of :dragon: Hub)

  • Explanation of Warps is Warp Conduits gone Dormant so all you have to do is click on the Warp Conduit & it take you to the Exo it’s already paid for
  • Anyone Looking for me to add them for Warps just msg me here on forum or Via Discord Babycookie__

Does anyone know if the ground plants / fungus regenerate on this planet?

is there a plant closer than Circarpous I to this planet by chance?

no, it’s attached to Circa

So I noticed Gleam Rolls are extremely BAD compared to all other blocks given Red gleam did pop up once but I noticed white gleam is a constant I see white 4 in row then a color


Me and cookie just sitting on the exo like :clown_face:s just in case :smiling_face_with_tear:


lush foliage farming biome


also cool desert biome for those wanting thorns :smiley:


thank you so much for portals :smiley:
fastest way to premade biome :slight_smile:
this time we have spineflowers for a change :slight_smile: timefor bomb farming :smiley:


@Zjawcia are you still able to blow up flowers to gather them I can’t seem to blow them up on this exo they vanish did a fix happen or something @Tiggs maybe you know :sob::sob:

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not tried yet, ill check in abit, now im curious, last color-cycling exo it works just fine, farmed thousands of ghostflowers just standing on top of gift cube and tossed damage bombs and regen bombs around :smiley:

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It’s Broken for me :sob::sob::sob::sob: flowers just vanish for me :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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you dont deserve flowers :stuck_out_tongue:
relax, maybe i wont be farming much but ill share :smiley:


Regen bomb twice, that should bring them back.

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The problem isn’t bringing them back there not registering so I throw bomb and they vanish I don’t collect nothing cause the flowers vanish instead of plucking them :joy: :sob:

Your damage might be too high and you might be destroying them.


what you consider as too high damage?
this is bomb im usung and still getting flowers :smiley:

is there any hunter build skill that might interfere with bomb outcome?

i have shovel/axe mastery epic gatherer build for this and im getting flowers from bomb farming


I could have been wrong. Maybe not enough damage. Lol.
I always use forged topaz.


i defenetly need bigger aoe radius bombs :slight_smile:
do you selling forged bombs too?