Thank you, everyone

Hi all,

I was recently informed that some close friends were leaving, people in the Etherian Woods, and decided that there wasn’t enough of the game that I played to return. I was hoping to, eventually come take a peek but like many other people, got busy and lost the chance. I did want to say thank you to a few people, I don’t know if they are still around. And I want people to remember, since as all thing eventually regen, forum posts might not, and so this might help me get some closure.

I wanted to thank Coral, for taking the time over the last year refueling beacons and keeping Etherian Woods on life support. I wanted to thank you for your great management of the community and excellent builds. If your house, which was a dramatic improvement over the treeline and IMO one of the most iconic builds in the game isn’t an official promo screenshot I wish they would make it one, it deserves it.

I wanted to thank Nanian, although I didn’t get to play with you much, for creating EW. It was a great community and your Tree of Dreams really hooked me. I hope you finish it. I really do believe it would have been the best portal hub. In a time when people were making squares and lining them with portals, you tried to make it beautiful. Thank you.

I wanted to thank the guy who sold me gems cheap to get me off my feet. I hope I paid it forward. I am sorry I can’t remember your name, but I was destroyed when your portal in the PS Biitula shop tier went dark. I hope you are OK wherever you are.

Thanks to Jekuty, who farmed his ass off so I didn’t have to to make forge mats. I don’t know if you are still around but if you are, I hope your shop is doing well.

I wanted to thank everyone who visited my wife’s settlement, Borealis, on Rakka. When we were playing together off and on she was always to excited when people visited or set up nearby.

On a similar note, I wanted to thank Jiivita for your winter hunting streams some time ago. I am not even sure you remember it. But at one point you saw an Iron Giant and went to go investigate, that was my wife’s settlement. I thought you might see it at some point in the video since you were there for hours, so I went through and found it and showed her, and she felt very appreciated that someone took the time to check it out. Borealis is long gone, but the video is around so it will be alive somewhere. It really made her day to be recognized for something cool she made.

Thank you Ether. You were a great guy when we were playing. I am sorry things fell apart between you and EW. Life is too short to hold grudges.

I wanted to thank everyone who visited Fairforge. I wanted to make things reasonably priced for people so they could progress in the game. I am sorry I needed to stop, but I hope it helped.

Thanks for everyone who helped build the Crafting garden. I think everyone in the Etherian Woods at the time helped at least a little. I wish I was playing around the time Jiivita did the EW video so that I could have showed him where it was. I wish I had taken more screenshots. But it’s OK, we knew things regenerated eventually. It was probably not the best or largest underground build, or the best or largest forest build, but it was probably the largest, best underground forest build. Which is pretty specific.

Thank you to Portal Seekers, who made it much easier to play the game, and for setting up hunts and things.

Anyway, in a game that is really, fundamentally about fighting entropy, I am glad that there are people who take it seriously enough to make a dent. I wish everyone good luck. I have to cut off because all I see in the future is disintegration, and I am too sensitive to loss to handle this over time. But I appreciate the time we had.



Sorry to see you go!

If you ever change your mind feel free to hit me up. DKMall has about 300 shops, of which probably 150-200 are owned by active players. It’s a nice place to build with a nice community that definitely won’t disappear!


I visited Ether today, portals and everything seemed to be good. Did I miss something?

Sorry for any confusion, I don’t mean to imply that anyone in particular in my post has left or considered leaving. I just wanted to thank the people who I interacted with.

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Yep Coral probably only one I see still he keeps that place running lol

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It seems portals to Etherian wood are closed.
Is it still okay, or it will slowly regen?

Idk haven’t seen coral + it’s hard to tell with corona everyone kinda on break for a bit ( ;.; )