After me giving hints for so long… My grand announcement is here! I have so many people to thank… People who play / use to play… People who helped… One man that really did so much was dragondefenders from all the times I about pulled my own hair out… Or the times I just could not get my brain to go the way I wanted it… thank you for your hours of help JJ… And the countless times you put up with me in game and out
Also thank you… @Foxx449 , @Wondernut , @honeybear730 @Chicula , @Bones , and @econodog … For all putting up with me when I needed stuff for my opera house! And sorry for the countless times I had orders foxxy… and buying you out alot guys…
Thank you @Vertaz747 , @dragondefenders , rembot (lives on Lutrion). BluDragonfly , and @BoundlessBlitz for helping me build and get things made… I would not have it done by now if it was not for you guys!
I know I am missing a lot of names I feel… I had so many people help me on donations of it was coin… Supply’s… Rare colors… Like BabyCookie and so meny people with in the 4 years I have been working hard on my baby (my opera house)… And I can’t thank you all enough for the love and help I have gotten in the community.
Some people may know my story from my streaming… But for those who don’t know… I have been a fan since I was 12 of phantom of the Opera… 4 years ago I tried to build the opera house in Minecraft… But I could not do it… So that’s when I came back to boundless and Foxx449 helped me pick Lutrion and showed me the place to start to build my dream… And after so long I have met so many great people alone the way… Some are not with us… Some don’t play… And some don’t have a choice… And I have seen a lot happen in the total of 5 years I have been in boundless… My first 2 years I was on and off… But a lot of names I miss or can’t remember names… but remember old hubs or old hunts I use to do with them… I TRULY can’t say thank you enough for the love… The advice… The learning… The teaching … The patience… And the long list of more of the love that comes from you guys… And it’s been almost a year now I have my own guild… Thank you for those who are in the guild helping with the endeavor… And thank you for the coin donations… I feel like I have a endless list of thank you to people… And I don’t want to leave anyone out…
I also thank you to everyone who has made my day… Even if you don’t know it… I deal with stuff in IRL I don’t always talk about or at all. Building my opera house was my safe space and my way of getting my mind off things I was dealing with or got my mind off things that bothered me… And even if I don’t always say it… (Just cuz I don’t want to brake down and cry.) You make my day… If it’s a smile… A laugh… Or even just saying hello. Thank you
And big announcements only start here… February, 2ed. Is my next special announcement for you guys… And I can’t wait… Thank you again for all the love…and the support
thank you for being my friend… And thank you for your love for Boundless
🪭 and thank you @Tiggs for keeping the lights on… Because as hard as it would be to say goodbye… If there was ever to be… I can say I built the opera house to life in boundless and have videos as I built it up in the past 6 months… So thank you and I will always be adding to it… But I can say now that anything in the 2004 movie… I have it in my opera house.
Edit guess can’t post if I tag more then 10 people…