Thank you Wonderstruck Devs

The point of the thread was literally to appreciate and praise the devs. You came in and said you were disappointed. It’s totally fine that you’re disappointed. Feel free to create a thread about your concerns but please stick to the point of the thread here. Thanks!


Kudos to the devs for all they do. Boundless has come a long way and I’m SUPER excited for creative mode and modding which they’re working very hard towards.

Additionally, a little birdie told me about an upcoming feature that the community has been clamoring for since 1.0 release and apparently it’s coming and “soon” ™. My lips are sealed so don’t ask :).


Well now I feel like its xmas ;D

Also sending alot of love from Denmark to you awesome Dev guys and girls


Well the maps things is not less than 1 minute of work nor is taking the time to do a post. Why ask for a post saying “I was too busy to get to the maps, sorry.” It is OBVIOUS that is the situation.

At the end of the day the Devs are trying to make a game that is better for everyone. They help how they can, when they can for things like this. James could have easily not coded up a web page and allowed everyone to just deal with the change. Instead he is trying to help people see the change before it happens so they can adjust.

People should be thankful for that decision to go above what was needed… We should hold them accountable to certain things but not when they are trying to make it better.


Thanks wonderstruck team! Fantastic job on the game so far. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Hopefully my sick armour. Bahahaha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::beers:


It wasn’t promised.

I did look at getting a new set of maps outside of an update and this is quite a bit of work.

Instead we’re going to update the game to allow me to query the maps whilst the game is running. Once done we’ll be able to update the maps on a much more frequent basis.


I also mentioned that you said ‘‘I will try’’ I know it did not get promised
you are just picking out something to attack me with.
but next time do get your facts straight and then don’t post such info to hype the community
I could not care less but if there’s one thing I get annoyed by is a lack of communication.
you could have posted that after my message on the official thread so I would not even bother posting and I know your communication was on point

other then that good job and let us wait how that turns out

Never regretted backing this game. Thanks, guys for your work and patience with the community and me :innocent:


Have been blown away by this game since day one of backing the game then receiving a copy in a very early state. I spent hundreds of hours building in what was basically a creative mode builder, and we all were just orange rectangle placeholder cubes.

Now where this game has developed to since those days, I’m drawn in even more!. There is a feel with this game that other voxel sandbox types don’t touch. It’s hard to explain what it is as I feel it’s a large combination of things overall, including the majority of players who are incredibly decent to play with and to speak with in the forum’s.

But I’ve loved this game and these world’s since the day it was released on Steam, and that love has certainly grown with the games changes and development. I know everyone wants more and more things in the game now not later, but we have seen and know how great this game is regardless of what’s been said is coming or may or may not be in the works. The team has a winning game that hopefully just continues to blossom more and more.

Great job everyone so far! And absolutely cannot wait to see where this goes down the road.


im waiting for next cooking update :slight_smile:
dear Dev team, i really hope you will show us more of incoming news :slight_smile:

i really appreciate your work :slight_smile: keep it up, i love this game :slight_smile:


I would love to live in the Boundless Universe…


Cooking Update (O.O) are there gonna be :cookie: s \ (^-^) /


Thank you for the awesome gleambow again and the ability to gleambow anytime we want now with the new augments <3 New favorite thing.


I was contemplating trying to organise “play with a dev day”.

One day where we convince them to down tools and enjoy their creation the same way we all get to do every day. Organise things like hunts in their timezones, or funny interviews on the forums etc (not demanding roadmaps etc.). Very casual freindly fun we can all share, and pretend for 1 day like its not their full time jobs to deal with an angry mob demanding things from them.

It feels sometimes its a little us vs them, and i think if we as a community showed them exactly why we all love this community they have created, it would go a long way with showing our appreciation and inspiring more awesomeness from the team.


What about demanding them to do the Reapers Trials in front of us…? That would be great. I can’t think of a more tranquil calming thing to do in game.


How about a dodge bombs tournament where each team has one dev and one regular player?


All awesome ideas! All that fun stuff we enjoy, they definitely should too.


Sometimes I take what people have to say about someone into account, but I strive to determine my own opinion about a person. I personally, have only ever had good interactions with James. I have reached out to him on a couple of different occasions, either with a question or comment… and I’ve got some very amusing responses. Like telling him I was digging in the game files, he told me to “keep digging” and that maybe ill find something interesting, but I wouldn’t “get a map, only traps”. I have said, and I shall say it again, I personally really appreciate the hard work and dedication that I have seen. There’s a TON of work that goes into even the simplest things. Thank you.


This would make for a really good promotional video I think… devs trying to get through the trials while we fans sit up in the peanut gallery either cheering or making wisecracks or both. :joy: Seriously, the banter that would go back and forth would make for good recruiting - people want to join in with communities that are fun and funny. :grin:

Anyways, thanks again devs, all your work so much appreciated! :smiley:


Some of us have already completed it… but I’ll admit I felt travel sick for an hour afterwards. :face_vomiting: