Thanks to the devs again and more

thanks for alot off stuff
but i want to let know that the beacons are allready way better then before aquatopia center has always when the rooms are getting full
2our3 beacons resetting keeping it well balanced
and tidy and ACTIVE this is a big improvement on the old system off having to wait for ages for dirt patches to become unclaimed
the new fuel system will even be better in cleaning up unfinish early quiters builds

so thank you apreciated it alot

the bad side is that i cant safe some builds that are awesome sometimes i wish i could fuel everything i want in my city using my warden title so i can safe the good builds wardens could also be helped alot with being allowed to give build perms on other peoples plots with consent off coarse
now its a big plot managing pain
80procent off the time i have people ready to help on builds but they cant cuase off this permission system

hunts = awesome
decor = looking good but give us some :grin:
trading = awesome
comunity = awesome
devs =awesome
game = awesome
slides = needs improvement (Ice slide BIG POLL (need more voters :) ))
had to slip that last one in stronger then myself lol


We will be making changes to the world regen system so it isn’t so abrupt which should help players claim an area if they want to preserve it for a lapsed player or claim at as their own.


I’ve only played 7 hrs but I think it’s gunna take away a lot more time than that it’s amazing lol thank you


It woyld be better to fuel their plots instead ofg sacrificing mine if its plotted anyway what i need is the right to add fuel to everything in the city our did you mean that would also be possible

Love love love the new atlases :smiley: I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m surprised at how little of each planet I have actually explored, especially home planet. I know you could see before how many regions you’d found but until you see it laid out on the atlas you realise exactly the great big chunks you keep missing. :grin: … I’ve completed one so on to the next :hugs: