That horribly hilarious moment when your son

Don’t need anything, they are extras. Thanks for the offer though. I very likely have extra gravel for the farm as well.


Dreyma (Our guild leader), is usually on anywhere from 2pm CDT to 7am CDT during week days. I am not on till later in the evenings due to homeschooling and chores.

What time is best for you? I can see if Dreyma or her Husband can be on if one of us can’t.

Why is the community on here so amazing :sob:
If you have any gravel or the agent needed we can buy those from you. If you have any to spare.

Do you need the refined gravel? Or the things to craft it be more fulfilling

I know he wanted a particular color, but he can always update the farm later so either one would be great. Just let my know what prices you’d like for them.

What color? I’m a collector lol

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Still online?

He was planing to use Black for the Kindle and his Combust is… Some kind of berry. I’ll check when I get on in an hour or so.

I wont be online for another hour or hour and a half.

sounds good, I should be around then.

Sorry it took so long! We were doing a trial in another game and no one wanted to actually follow the mechanics. V.V

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can meet you wherever if you are on now

I am on now. Where is the best place to meet you? I am on Bitula.

Any hub or whatever you are familiar with

I know hot to get to TNT, DK, and I can fandagle about the PS portals

I have a portal to TNT Megahub if thats easy enough for you

Can do!
Headed there now. Character name is MamaWulf.


I don’t know if you are still on but I might have some black refined gravel made because thats what I used for mine too actually! Lol

I am not on but my son and Dreyma are, I am preparing dinner at the moment.

I’ll have to take your son on a T3 hunt some time when he’s ready. With 3 points into kinetic armor he’d be more or less invincible (or maybe it’s 4… can’t remember). And for travel, he can just sanctuary warp to me when I find a meteor - the oort more than covers the cost in the long run if you all are down?