The best Grapple mechanic has way too much player punishment | Wall Damage

If we could get horizontal impact removed i wouldn’t miss it. But just barely clipping a wall should flat out kill you. - Have you ever stubbed your little toe on a piece of furniture or doorway?! It’s those little clips that should instakill anyone at >10m/s.
:yum: /s


I don’t mind if I run off a slope at say 6 blocks up but when you are literally just walking off 10% of a single block height onto the meeting floor level taking damage seems silly.

if its really that way then yes this is to much :slight_smile:
i just never had this :open_mouth:

It’s not 100% of the time and doesn’t seem to be all slopes. I do wonder if the block you are meeting when you “fall” has an impact on the decision about damage.

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We need long fall boots, trampoline shoes or something, fall damage has no place in this game where the main/only movement mechanic is spiderman grappling.

Its not just you. I won’t use anything other than forged emerald grapples with Max reel in and distance because they are by far the most fun. However the wall smashing deaths are not so fun. By far, I have died more from this mechanic than ANYTHING else in the game.


no exact the oppsite, spiderman gappling is boring when nothing happens when you make a mistake.

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I spiderman with double stock standard iron grapples… seems i was mistaken and I’m actually slothing or “doing the orangutan” :disappointed:

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Good point, Can’t really argue with it, Was just venting as I too have taken many a death from this.

I suppose the solution is to take the falling damage skill.

I made golden grapples (so nothing really special) by mistake, intended to make fists. Tried it. Never ever gonna go back to iron :scream: and I am afraid to even try the gem ones.

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I have literally taken 429 damage while WALKING on a perfectly flat, non-chiseled surface.

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Yeah gold are a good affordable stop before forged titanium or gems.

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I didnt realize just how bad wall damage was until i was grappling around on my hunter who ive just maxed out his health at 10.3k - if you hit a wall just right you can take 8k damage! It seems as though it scales because i will take around 400 damage on my miner with a max of 600 health when i hit a wall just right.

Even fall damage becomes exponentially worse as you get more health. The same 150 damage id take on my miner i take 900 damage on my hunter

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Yep agreed. Seems to be % based like lava and sucks all the more for it. Down to 15% health no matter how you boost health.


This is off topic but what grapple has the longest range?plus forging