The Common Item Trade Experiment, @ The InfiniPlexx

dropped a couple materials in the request baskets
I must say though that the design of the shop is horrible.
the signs are in the way of seeing the merchandise and that all that gleam does nothing for the aesthetic other than give you a headache.

the idea is nice, but i’m unsure if i’ll be stopping by again.

the 500 sap was me happy to help I’ll keep bringing you everything else I’ve got I’d like to see this project take off! :grin:

Plus I live on raxxa so you’re easy to get to LOL

Ya, I’ve been hearing feedback to tone it down a bit with the gleam. But i just cant stand a shop that is not lit properly. I mighta went overboard.

As for the layout, I’m keeping that. You have to admit that it is much better than many shops that have pillars everywhere… multiple layers of shop stands… and corners you have to look around to find anything. Once you know what isle has what items, they are easy to get to, and most always in stock.

I know everyone wants to trash the “Big Box” store… but its just me. I’m the only one that crafts/farms/buys for that store. I’m just one of the little guys, who puts a lot of time into it. No guild or discord group or anything. I’m not Wal-Mart =P

Thanks to everyone buying/selling/trading! all of your purchases from these items go directly back into the request baskets. The culprit right now is Starberries. I’m constantly farming those to keep the stand stocked. If anyone has extra Starberries, please come by and sell 'em!

To everybody who still doesn’t know:

If you have extra Tallow/Starberries/Earthyams/Flint, stop by and sell to the Request baskets @ 2c ea, then you can use that money to buy one of the other items you actually need or want @ 4c ea. So in other words, your 4 stacks of flint can be traded for 2 stacks of Earthyams… so you can make Soup! lol. its my food of choice =P

Keep it up all!


You can do a lot with hidden lighting: take a look at the worlds warehouse if you want to see that at play. Everything is brightly lit w/ a ton of hidden cool blue gleam (to make sure there’s neutral and consistent lighting, since we’re trying to show off colors)—but none of the gleam is visible, except for a small slice for aesthetics

i’ll check it out, thx!

Raw Meat is now a fully participating item! This is going great!

Current Items: (items buying @ 2c, and selling @ 4c)
-Raw Meat
-Raw Earthyam
-Raw Starberry

And we’ll go ahead and bring bone on-deck. But I dont expect many ppl selling bones until the event is over.

On-Deck Items: (become fully traded items once request basket buys 10,000)
-Spicy Bean

The “how can I help” section made me chuckle.

Hey guys, instead of farming stuff you want, go farm a bunch of stuff you don’t need and give me half of it for free so you can end up with less of what you actuall want and we will call it an experiment :thinking:

You got me! The experiment is just a way for me to get all the Flint in the universe!!! Muhahahaha! I’ve already spent about 750k fueling request baskets, and buying up stock around the universe at a loss… but worth it! I’ll rule the Flint market!!!

Agreed so aggravating when people are ridiculous with there price difference between buying&selling wish I could kick the stand/basket

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Fiberish Leaves are a very common item, found on every planet, more on some than others. Much more easier to find than Raw Starberry, Flint, Tallow, and Raw Meat. Will you be selling those for 2c each too? Cause I’ll happily by thousands at that price.

PS. You ran out of money to buy the rest of my Raw Earthyam.

PSS. You’re glue price, and the price of other stuff outside the experiment, mostly suck. Work better on that.

Would be nice if you can vote up or down a shop and explain why.

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Agreed that would be nice but then you get the people who take it to far
With a bad review or get into a fight with others

Great question! How many Flint, Tallow, Starberry, or Raw Meat do you think 1 Fibrous Leaf is worth? That is kinda the whole point of this. To place a known value to every item. We’ll see! Maybe the cook doesnt think they are worth more than a starberry. If thats the case, I’m sure he might think Starberries are worth the same as a Fibrous leaf? If an item doesnt work at the 2c/4c level, then it’s price will be adjusted until it does work.

I’ll fill the baskets right now

My glue prices are on point. It sells just fine. Thank you for your concern.

As for other prices, when they stop selling, the price starts dropping. Things are selling just fine. There is a market for the person who doesn’t have time to wander through the hundreds of shops trying to hunt down the best price. Some people will pay an extra 10c for glue, then take advantage of my cheap wax, then pick up some Shimmering orbs, and while they are at it… grab some compact Hard Coal… all in the same place. Saving 30mins of price hunting is well worth a few extra coins to some people =D

But again, thank you for your concern! Your observations have been noted and are appreciated.

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This is true, if they are buying a small amount. Anyone buying in Bulk will see a lot of extra money lost. Where usually it should be the other way around. Bulk buying should be less money not more.

The game really needs to add in the ability buy/sell in bulk, and for the players to not abuse it. They will, but I’ll just cry about it’s abuse when it’s added in.

Most people use hand trades for these things; and if you know your local store owner and buying anything worth over 20c, most traders will offer a hand trade and split the tax so both parties win. well at least thats what we do

I don’t go to shops to chat with owners who are asleep, I go to buy stuff lol

not advising the behaviour, just giving a current example of the thing you asked for.

I live like 2 minutes south east of you your shop is beautiful do not change it for anyones opinion other then your own.
Btw ill have to start bringing all my excess materials to you, I as well want to see this experiment unfold.


Sap is our first failure at the 2c/4c value. I really wanted all 4 of the drops from the main blocks (Earthyam, Flint, Sap, Starberry from Dirt, Rock, Trunk, Foliage) to all be worth the same. But as many people pointed out, sap was different due to the fact that people just don’t chop trees as much as they dig Soil, or Rock. Trunks are worth more to people than Soil/Rock. It makes sense as most shops sell Trunks @ 4c and buy @ 2c. There was no way the sap could be worth the same as the Trunk it comes from. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
The Next question was, how much is it worth then? Going by our previously set Dirt and Earthyam model, the drop should be worth 2x the block it drops from. So 4c/8c? That still didnt sound right to me. 6c/12c would bring it more in line with current prices… and then I thought “Screw current prices!”. I decided to split the difference and set it at 6c/10c. This keeps it away from taxes, and essentially makes 5 Earthyam/Flint/Starberry/Tallow/Raw Meat available to Trade for 1 Sap. Vice versa, you would Trade in 2 Sap, for 3 Starberry. This also keeps it in line with the Syrup recipe, not favoring either ingredient.

For now, I’ll make it a fully participating item shortly @ 6c/10c (as soon as I run around and get enough stock) Let me know what you think about the Sap prices!

Sap was the one I was really excited to get rolling, as it starts pulling in a few recipes!

Thoughts? Also, I was thinking of putting Grass Seed on deck @ 2c/4c. It looks like that would be easily done. Are there any other items you think would work @ 2c/4c?