The current problem with the money system

To be honest I’m all for removing footfall altogether.

But to find this advantageous setting you have to be active. You have to actively find this advantageous place, or actively make your place have advantageous setting. With a solution proposed by @Jirodyne you can place beacon anywhere, dump enough of prestigious blocks there, and just come there now and then to gather coins.


What you’re missing is these places that generate footfall benefit everyone already-centralized shopping areas, spending in the economy, portal networks.
Also, it isn’t just dumping a beacon and forgetting about it. From what i’ve seen, city building rules are ENCOURAGED-You need to develop something to add to the area, provide a service or a sight. Sure some just throw a beacon down but i’m positive they aren’t reaping much reward…This all seems terribly overblown.
Tbh, there seems to be an element of jealousy in these conversations too.


I do actually!! Thatd be great, but people would just keep coin on alts

That’s not enforceable actually. Nobody can force you to build on your plots anything, and if someone is trying, they are probably to be reported in game. Plot’s you put down are yours, and no one else business.

You don’t have to be active, you have to have been active once. At the end of the day, there’s little difference, except that if you started playing sooner, you probably have a better shot at getting an effort free regular income.

I do agree it’s not working as is. But removing it isn’t an option at the moment. it would cause massive deflation as the generation of coins through feats and dailies alone would never keep up with resource generation.

Oh come on you know what I mean, guidelines are given such as "hey, stick to this theme’ and generally those involved in collaborative works play within the spirit.

But do you think it’s fair that any player HAS TO share his coins (whatever actually) wit anyone else? Is it fair?

That wasn’t clear. Because you wrote city rules are enforced, but they literally can’t be. It’s just a free will of a plot owner to play by those player made rules.

Fine! They’re “encouraged”
Happy now?

Happy? Me? Never! But yeah, it’s way better description of what is happening in game.

I believe it is more fair than the current situation, so I would support it. However, it seems more like your problem with this issue is the semantics of it, so let me change them:

Instead of ‘giving’ part of your footfall to be shared between everyone with a beacon (or home beacon, possible) on the planet, There are simply two types of footfall.

One type is generated solely for the owner of the beacon, and just happens to be about half what it is now.
A second type of footfall is introduced that is generated and distributed planet-wide in some manner, and would also approximate to half of what it currently is. That way, you are encouraged to form a planet-wide community to build the most interesting planet to visit, so that as a planet, you can profit and spread that benefit more evenly.

That way, nobody is giving up ‘their’ footfall and your fairness point is moot.

we dont need more money sources >.<
im all for just expanding the palette of items

Jirodyne’s suggestion doesn’t add more money sources… it just changes where the existing sources of money end up so that more people can be involved in the economy which, in turn, will act as a money drain with the existing sales tax.

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I’m against all ways of free coins. I don’t like footfall, I don’t like daily coins, and I believe the coin should be earned. And I believe there should be proper money sinks, which there aren’t. And the more/better you are at playing you should have more benefits/earn more coin. If one logs once a week for a minute or two, one should don’t get anything just because he logged in.

But anyway, there are nothing you can get with coins that you can’t get without them, so money in this game are completely useless.

Yet still there are people whining, that prices are too high, or that some get more footfall than others, and I really don’t understand why those people feel that others will agree that they are entitled to have any coin they did not earn.

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I’d agree that entirely passive coin generation IS bad, as it diminishes any balance between resource production (which is entirely generated via user input) and coin generation which, after the easier feats have been ticked off, is largely generated passively.

That being said, I don’t know how this game even ‘could’ function without footfall without a slew of other major changes throughout the game. Most of the ways other games ‘typically’ deal with this just don’t fit into boundless, or if they do, they only work for one playstyle and that would somewhat screw over everyone else (mobs dropping coins, for example).

I think main sink was designed as warping fees, but… Portal networks made warps almost obsolete. Instead making oortstones a main currency with some of them drop on T1 from road runners, would be a great currency. There’s a natural sink: portals, and warping could cost some too , but maybe less than a portal…

But it’s too late, and possibly would have it’s own sets of problems.

Another option is going back to simple barter system without any coin. So you could sell one commodity for other. And since tools, food and brews are consumed over time, there would again be natural sinks.

But I’m not good at guessing what would work, I’m much better at observing what does simply not work, and when propose imbalance or simply are not fair, instead of balancing game. :confused:

I’d definitely agree with that. All the way through Beta I thought they were just cheap and easy (relatively speaking) to maintain to make sure they got a lot of testing, and that when the game went live it would be harder to maintain them and more people would use warps.

I was a little surprised when it stayed the same, especially when other fairly major things changed (all the damage-related skills having their effectiveness halved, etc).

Speaking purely as a new player and someone who has no real experience with other MMO (or MMORPG or whatever we’re calling this), the whole money system sort of turns me off in the first place. I don’t have much money at the moment and what I do have is coming from the objectives that I am able to complete (some unintentionally). However, many of the other objectives I have no clue how to complete since I don’t have the materials or equipment needed and the game isn’t telling me what I need either. Since I don’t have money, I sure as heck am not going to people’s shops and spending money since I cannot afford anything being sold by anyone.

As for the portal costs, this is also turning me off since I recently got stranded on a planet far from my home base and I had no idea how to get back (I’m new remember? So easy on the attacks). Yes, I could get to the various portals indicated on my HUD, but I had no idea which planet led back to what since, at the time at least, I had no idea how they were all connected (someone eventually gave me a universe map). So I ended up exiting to the Sanctum and it cost me nearly all of my credits (or whatever they’re called) to open a portal back to my home base. Even if I am making my own portal, why in the world do I need to spend money to use it? I did the resource and crafting grind to get the materials, why do I now need to pay money to use them? I don’t have to pay money to craft any of my equipment, so why should using a portal be any different?

I look at the money system the same as I do other games I’ve played in the past like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc. You have it to use, but you really shouldn’t HAVE to use it if you don’t want to. The whole point behind these games, or at least I thought, was to have fun exploring, gathering resources, crafting your items, and building bases. If I now have to start worrying about managing a real world based money stream, especially when I’m new and don’t really have any, it’s going to make the game extremely difficult to play - if not impossible. I’m already seeing all of these ginormous cities people have built and there is no way I can compete with that. So while they succeed, you’re going to seriously turn off casual gamers like me who cannot sink that kind of time into a game. I want to play for fun and I guess that’s something that’s being lost on all of these pay to play based systems I’m seeing used increasingly.

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its kinda weird that u say that ur new and have questions and absolutly no knowledge but at the same time criticizing the game much for the perceived flaws that were all actually ur fault or just mistakes many did when they started. I guess ur the type who reads and remembers a 800 page manual for his butter knife before able to use it >.<
And no i wont go easy on u cuz u started ranting here about a money system u had 2 minutes experience with
u dont pay for a portal. (at least no coins). u pay for a warp. 2 different things.
Ur fear of other peoples portals is normal but unnecessary. Theres a pretty high chance that the next random portal will just bring u to one of the Portal Hubs with every planet reachable from there. Or they lead to some base or city which connects further with other portals.
U dont need any money at the start of the game except to warp for the next hub and even this is convenience.
u have no money cuz uve thrown it out the window? well guess whats next: better get working and earn it back. Earning coins in the game is not difficult to impossible. its ■■■■■■■ easy!

I’ve seen power coils go from 4K to 9k in 4 days…

Just remove all coins and never use it again. Make anything that costed coin cost oortstones.
