I can get behind that statement. I just feel it wouldn’t be looked upon as broken, IF there weren’t insane prices.
I can get behind that statement. I just feel it wouldn’t be looked upon as broken, IF there weren’t insane prices.
yes, and no. Prices are too high so people rather go farm/craft themselves. But why do people think the prices are too high? because they don’t have enough of it. If I earn 100k an hour I don’t care if an inky leaf costs 1000c. Why don’t they have enough of it? because one can’t earn enough coin with the current system. Sure, there are ways, I know that but it would help a lot if there were more ways than just footfall and trying to sell stuff (which has to be bought from you with coin the other earned thru footfall or selling stuff)…
Oh man when i saw teaching prices on sale in leyden market for about 750c I thought they were a steal!! I used to buy teaching pies for 1200-1400c trying to make the most out of it. I can’t even imagine all the time it must have took to go around the world gathering all the materials needed.
Maybe i’m wrong, but I feel that shops are out of the question until I reach level 50, or atleast have a good knowledge on where to gather for each world to make some decent coin per hour. Looking back, maybe I should have spent all my coin on completed atlases first before forged tools or food ^^’.
I guess those are all forge ingredients materials lol
At least 80% of those similar items are related to the recipes.
Yeah they were!
I got a good deal on some supplies so I could temporarily lower the prices but sadly now I’m back to gathering most myself. Tho I have contracted someone to do gathering of some of the items for me and am hoping I will be able to lower prices a bit in the coming weeks…
BTW, check my price for the loaf/bread variants, they are a lot lower and might be a nice alternative until you can more easily afford the more expensive pies (a pie needs double the amount of sweet beans as opposed to the loaf variant)…
PS. just in case you didn’t know, pies on New Leyden Market, that’s me
oh my gosh i love you I leveled from 40 to 42 with your pies! I think I did buy some teaching loaves too on one of my alts, but yea xD right now I would buy more food if I could. I haven’t been mining lately so i’m really really poor at the moment.
Come on over in a few minutes, I’ll hook you up with some stuffs…
Well, okay, let’s experiment. I put all my pies from storage on my stands (I normally don’t do that) and lowered my prices significantly!
So when I get back up tomorrow the shop stands should be (mostly) empty! If not the economy is broken and I’ve proven you wrong!
ya know what you got to do now, right? Yep, you have to buy my stock
First 100 pies sold! Get them while I still have them! Won’t have new stock all that quickly and if I do might not be these insane prices!
If you can keep this for 1 month, i am 100% sure this will be the future market price
Oh man i’m out enjoyig the holidays though Dx, maybe another time behind the market alleys i’ll make sure to bring the… necessities
Okay! Enjoy the holidays!
If the mats prices are halved too I can keep this up, I’m sure
Look at the new ultima exchange price most item are well priced for both buying and selling and that will be probably the new market pricing that most people base their price on.
Edit: It directly on hub.
Wicked, wicked!
And I just turned my ps4 off.
This is like that temptation in the garden of Eden.
Uuuurgh… sleep wins, but I’m gonna be unhappy about it.
Will see if there’s anything left when I wake up at the crack of noon tomorrow.
Travel time is important.
When prices are too high and you got relatively easy access to a world with said items, that you can get yourself, then the price of said item might not be worth it compared to that of just going yourself, especially when you can get to your destination in less than a minute.
Sure you still need to look for the materials.
When you got the option of possibly finding something cheaper elsewhere, since you can get around to pretty much anywhere within minutes, you won’t really have to weigh in on whether or not you want to buy something for said price if you can find it cheaper somewhere else, which in turn most likely will result in a universe wide undercutting game
Todos son unos careros, no piensan con la logica esto es peor que el capitalismo
The going rate for items at launch was due to the fact that footfall wasn’t behaving as though it were broken (you got footfall every day or so, give or take), and the fact that there was an absolute population boom back then. Servers were so full they had people lined up waiting to enter. Portal hubs etc. were swimming in coin, 10,000-40,000 per day for simply existing, not to mention each shop or place of interest was also getting roughly 5,000-10,000 coins per day. Hubs had bottomless request baskets buying gems for 400c each, and it wasn’t difficult to earn 20-70k selling gold and silver to request baskets.
Then came the first wave of nerfs, and a slight player decline that probably would have happened regardless. No game launches and retains 100% of its population. We then had a couple more waves of no longer relevant nerfs, and an additional unrelated player decline as the novelty of Boundless wore off and AAA releases popped.
But the real economy crash happened when footfall “broke,” or we “realized” footfall broke, word it how you like but the bottom line is we went from gaining footfall every day or two to only getting footfall resets roughly once every 2 weeks on patch days if they happened. To be honest, I quit playing for a month when that happened, and not because I couldn’t get footfall but because nobody was buying anything. Could care less about my own pitiful footfall amount, but without buyers for my resources I was broke.
Now the game and economy are gradually turning around, prices are at an all time low, and as far as I can tell a good percentage of players are finally happy again. But there is another footfall adjustment just over the horizon… Will it be a positive change, or a negative one? Could go either way, but I don’t think it’s going to be drastic or radical. Hub owners will either earn the same or slightly less due to perhaps some sort of diminishing returns, and more isolated locations will earn a little more from each “fresh” visitor who hasn’t been there within the last 5 days, or has never been there at all.
The first week of the Footfall Patch is going to seem like a coin explosion until this stabilizes, but overall it sounds more like a redistribution of wealth than anything.
Most pies are still there! after the initial 100 pies sold none have sold since! Incredible!
So the prices still too high? Don’t think so, any lower and I don’t want to continue making them!
I actually forgot to check. Woke up with a horrid migraine that almost lasted all day and just kinda lala’ed my way through the day.
So sorry, but definitely still interested!
Gonna write it on my hand now!! XD
Did you advertise on the forum and Discord?
You can’t expect ppl who “thought” they were too expensive to magically visit your store again =P
Usually if I go into a store, and their prices are insane, i never go back. Like a few in Ultima Hub… dunno if their prices are good or not, cause I saw Iron for 16c and just never went back