The economy is not broke

Nah, I sell it all way cheaper all ready. I sell persisting pies for 420c, they sell so fast I don’t know what to do :rofl:

Everyone saying the economy is broken just simply hasn’t shopped around enough.

There are other large store’s ( Larger ) stores in game then the 2 everyone mentions all the time.

I think if people shopped around more they would know that.

“Not to mention all my pricing in general is amazing”

You get my point’s wrong, my point is a cheapest price on market and can fill the shop for longest term will be the “new market price”.

Today you sell 420c, and your shop becomes famous again, then tomorrow the other shop will have no customers.
They will need to have a new price under or equal to 420c if their shop is not famous enough.

After that the other shop involve to the market and lower the price to 200c / then they will become the new market price for that items, until everyone reach to their line. This kind of cycle basically just make everything lost their values gradually.

Its just because the big shop providers they really don’t need money to buy anything.
Money means nothing for them.
If the cost for them to craft those items are high, the price won’t be drop like this crazy speed.
It will be not worth or impossible for them to sell this stupid low price.

This why the market is broken.

The market broken doesn’t means market lost the function lol.
It also doesn’t mean that anyone can’t sell / buy items on market.

Its about the coin’s become pointless in this game gradually.
and 80% of items lost the values gradually, and will become garbage.

Now you can sell the highest rank food in this game for 420c / unit.
Its already way too low for an end game crafting item.

Also if this is the case, they should remove all the soups to save the game data base lol.
When pie only cost for 420c / unit. Even new players can buy it super easy.
Why they still need to eat those soup or bread anymore ?
Those items now are garbage for sure.

Have you ever seem any end game meta items on market with this kind of stupid price in any other games ?

The answer is no lol .

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So I guess the name of the game now is to sell things that actually sell at a price that is actually affordable…? I love the economy now compared to 2-3 weeks ago :heart:

I loved the post-launch economy even more, sold gold to baskets for 120c and silver for 140c. Those were the good ol’ days. Of course, pies were 4,000c :joy:

Also hand trade when possible. Take down The Man!!


No man, I sell them for a stupid low price because I gather my own exotics, If someone goes lower, then yes I will gladly lower my prices even more. But that’s just business, & that’s how we push the economy forward. Its not broken, some people just cant keep up. That’s my opinion anyway. A slow economy doesn’t mean its broken. The economy itself works, its the insane prices that people are trying to sell things for that make things seem broken. & things are only a little slow because the low player numbers.

Now your complaining about my persisting pie prices are too low? Lol man, I can sell whatever I want at whatever price is comfortable for me. Persisting pies are easy money, why not make a ton of them & sell them for cheap if you know everyone wants them? That’s called good business, & your making it seem like its a bad thing. Just because you cant sell them for that price reasonably doesn’t mean others shouldn’t be able to if they work hard to do so, which I have done & will continue to do.

& Persisting Pie isn’t end game content, its just another food item.


While you talk about good business, you are very likely selling at a loss unless your time is actually worth nothing. An economy where you have to sell at a loss is broken, not merely slow. And those other stores “can’t keep up” because they are actually trying to make a profit.

Similarly, in a deflating economy, shops that try to buy their base materials (which, if an economy is to exist, this seems like a pretty important thing to be able to do) get squeezed on both end. If today the buying price for exotic yams is 75c (for example), they are paying 83c (tax included) each for those yams. Any pies they make are now tied to those 75/83c yam prices. When prices of those yams go down in the next few days (as they will, because deflation), the pies the person makes from those yams also have to come down to stay competitive which means that person is now also selling at a loss as they get hit by the tax on the sale side as well coupled with the lower pie price. This is not how a healthy economy behaves.

For you, personally, if you are having fun doing what you are doing, that is great and you are of course right that you can sell your goods for whatever prices you deem fit. But working for free and then selling for a loss isn’t a good model for a general game economy to have.


This assumes a player is not farming their own materials. If you are, then the cost is the value you put on your own time so stating that someone is losing money is potentially not correct. If you sell for any amount and you farmed and crafted your own material and tools then you may not value your time in game as much as the next player, but are you loosing money? I would say you are not. If you have more coin at than you did when you started the process of getting materials and crafting the item you sold, then the player did make coin. You might be missing some potential profits or you might be the only one selling the item and therefore the only one making any coin at all.

One thing that seems to be getting lost is that this is a game, not one is going to starve or be without a home if they do sell items for a price that others feel is low. Now to the point, does this potentially hurt other store owners who may have bought some or all of the resources needed to craft the item? Yes it does. But is it a decent strategy used even in RL to undercut your competitors to drive them out of business? Yes it is. Is it against the CoC? No it is not. Everyone that wants a store has no more right to be successful than the person trying to be the capital does. You are in competition with others and the game should not be set up so that everyone is guaranteed success.

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I covered everything you said about time in my post, down to that he, specificity, may not be if the value he places on his time is 0. However, Time=Money is the oldest adage in business, and it’s true. He is absolutely missing on profit because of the steepness of his undercut (I would think they would still fly off the shelves at 6-700 when most stores seem to have them around 1k+) indicates that he is both undervaluing his materials as well as zeroing out the value of his time. While you talk about RL stores doing this (and they do), it is in the context of either A) A sale where a discounted item gets people in the store where they will likely also buy other, non-discounted goods or B) much more rarely where you have a large established business (think like Wallmart) that prices certain items at a loss for the medium term in order to drive out competitors for those products so long term the larger business can sell for much more. A doesn’t work when every item in your store has to be priced like that to move, and if his game is B and he can sustain it, that’s fine.

Also, of course not every store deserves success. My issue is that, as the current economy is set up, the only way to make money is to value your time at 0. It needs to be worth any given shopkeepers time in order to compete in the first place.


OK what is a shopkeepers time worth? To me this is a game and not a job, so I have a hard time determining what someone playing a games time is worth. And I would guess this means all players time is worth the same?

The issue I have is that players want to assign a value to a crafted item based on the cost to purchase the resources and potentially fuel a spark core and then add a profit. If this is really how the economy is supposed to work then shouldn’t every similar item be priced the same? If so, then why not have an auction house. If you want to assign values to all the resources so store customers have a chance to know what the costs of the items that go into a crafted item are, then I am not sure how else to do it. As a customer, it is not my responsibility to assure the shop owner a profit or to research the cost of what they might have paid to buy the resources or the time they spent to gather the resources. If the need is for a better informed customer then some way of getting them the information is needed.

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Player time worth is going to vary as it does for IRL things. While boundless is a game, the time value is also going to be based on IRL stuff. If player X is a 13 year old and player Y is a 35 year old family man, player Y’s time is going to be worth much more than X’s (in fact X’s time is actually likely not worth anything at all). In a functioning economy, both of those players selling the same goods would result in different prices, and that’s okay. Some people would get X’s great deals, others might pay more for Y’s because his shop is better run/he’s more pleasant to deal with, for example.

This is how economics works. You HAVE to sell for more than you buy, or else you can’t keep selling. And that profit is the whole reason to be doing this in the first place.

As a customer, you are basically saying “You, shopman! I don’t want to do the tasks required to make this good, but I want this good. I demand that you work for free so I can buy this item at a price I deem “fair”” Some people will do that, because “it’s a game, after all, and you are supposed to play the game.” But that doesn’t mean the economy is healthy.

Ok I agree but this assumes you have a cost to acquire the goods to start with. If I farm my own materials then they cost my time and nothing else. So this is where people complaining about the prices for a shopkeeper that farms his own stuff versus one that buys the resources seems wrong. They want everyone to sell for a price that assumes they all had a very similar cost structure. As in RL, some people can produce and sell an item for less than others. The difference in Boundless is there really is no other way to differentiate your goods in order to justify your cost structure. As in a non-forged tool made by me is the same as one made by you. No brand, no quality difference so if I value my time less than you do and gather my own resources, I will probably sell for less and still make a profit.

I think this works both ways. It is no different that saying someone is selling an item too cheaply. The implication is they should value their time and effort the same as you do and that they want to base the price on the cost of the resources needed to make it even if they gathered those themselves. I do agree no one has to sell for a price they do not want to. They may not make a sale, but is that really a problem?

I guess, I am really not sure there is as much of a problem with the economy as others do. There are several people that post in the forums that they have items for sale, then they repost that they have sold everything. So some players have coin and are spending it. Do all players have enough coin to buy what they might want to? Probably not, but that is always going to be the case. And in the case of Boundless, with footfall being the main source of coin, only a select groups is every going to be getting a large amount of coin consistently. As long as that is the case, there will always be players complaining that prices are to high (they do not get footfall so have to work harder for coin, or as is human nature they just complain) and store owners complaining that no one is buying (because of the people that do not have coin, so they will make everything themselves or they are charging too much but feel their time is worth a lot).

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Store owners complaining that others are undercutting them is something that will always happen, but has no impact on my argument, is not one I’ve made, and have nothing more to say about. Let me spell this out clearer as you keep saying “but if I gather, it only cost me time” and not getting that time is valuable. If you don’t value your time at all, that’s fine. You can undercut the market and still “make a profit” because your time is worthless. But not everyone’s time is worthless. If there are going to be shop owners other than my theoretical 13 year old and boundless no-lifers, there needs to be a margin in there for their time to be compensated. Now, no margin is going to be enough for everyone, so the Doctor that plays boundless for 15 minutes a night to relax is never going to be in a position to run a store no matter how the economy is structured. That is also fine. But there is a sweet spot between “Time is worthless” and “Time is worth a metric oort-tonne” that would allow for shops to open and run, and have a range of prices, (some higher, some lower) that are still selling. This is likely tied up in footfall as you point out, and it being a poor system for getting money to players.

Also, let’s talk about buy baskets briefly. As we have gone over, shop owners can’t currently both buy their materials and make a profit (as the resulting good will be tagged “too expensive” by most). So the incentive to place buy baskets is lower. How are non-footfall collecting players then supposed to get money if their primary avenue (selling to shops) closes up? I’m not saying this is the case currently, but certainly we all have been noticing the trend of fewer and fewer baskets with money in them and buying at a real price.

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I do agree with the point that without request baskets, the players that do not get footfall do not have a good source of coin. I will also agree that if you are buying a resource then it is reasonable that the cost of the resource should be valued into the price. I will also agree that there is likely a place where most players would agree on the value in coin for an hours worth of a players time.

I personally believe that until something is done to generate coin other than footfall, the economy in Boundless is never going to be very robust. I know that others have suggested preventing players from being able to make everything themselves by using alts. That’s great if you have a source of coin, but to make the only source for a player not getting footfall be finding request baskets, I think would hurt the game. The economy is only one aspect of the game and the game is supposed to able to be played solo. It might take longer as a solo player, but should be possible. That is only possible with alts and additional skill sets. It also continues to make the search for coin a chore where the player selling has to travel the universe to find a store and find someone willing to buy and compare to make sure they are getting a fair price. A lot of effort which would be a requirement if a player could not use alts. Personally, I do not want to be required to buy items from other players. In order to advance and without alts, it would be a requirement. Why should the game be restructured to favor the player that wants to run a shop? (edit: this is not what you suggested, but seems to be the theme around why to eliminate alts).


I don’t think this is the major reason cause the price low issue.
The reason is other mmorpg are not real life either.
The problem is, this game has no valuable end game items for end game players /rich players to buy.
When rich players lost their desire to spent their money, of course all the thing become so cheap.
They don’t have value about their money. Like 100k maybe the same as 1k for them.

In real life we have some expansive house or luxury cars on the market.
So people are willing spend huge amount of money to buy it.
In other MMORPG they have legendary / epic gears on market too.

This game only has a forge items, and at least 50 - 70 % of players can forge it by themselves.
Also the forge system cause everyone gather things way too easy.
When you don’t need to spend a lot of time on anything, of course everything lost the value.
It doesn’t prove time not equal to money, currently you just don’t need to spend a lot of time on gathering those things.

Personally i only need to gather gems 6 hour / month, basically i have enough gems until next month.
In this cause,
Who will need to buy the gems or gem tools on market, If you know you can simply craft ti by your owns really easy.

Before i may said gem is rare to new players, now i will tell them gem is basically just garbage, even wildstock eye is more valuable than gems lol

Im not losing anything, its all profit. So none of that makes sense.
& its up to the individual to decide what their time is worth, not you or anyone else.
That’s the beauty of a player driven economy. Players place their own values on goods.
Based on how easy or difficult something is for them to obtain.
All you need for all food items, Is the base food, some rock salt, sugar/baking powder etc & presto.
All things I get for free on my own, so everything made is all profit.
Why would I sell something for much higher & sell less & make less money, when I can sell cheaper, sell more & make more money in a shorter period of time?
It is indeed, “good” business to sell items at a price people can actually afford.
That i’m 100% certain about.

If you doubt that all im making is profit, come have a look at my over flowing request baskets.
I don’t waste my time btw, its the most precious commodity of all.


There is an over supply. Eventually all items but oort and tools will be 1c, just give it time and you will see all items drop (unless new updates change it).

Besides, the lower the prices go, the less inclined people are to sell. Without being able to sell coins, you will not generate a lot of coins. Without a lot of coins, you cannot buy other peoples stuff. People not buying your stuff (according to op) means your prices are too high. Drop them even more. Repeat.

I don’t understand how it’s so hard to see that without proper sinks, player driven economy is not going to work. It doesn’t even work irl, every country has regulations. If you don’t have experience regarding macroeconomics or study it, study it because I think many of you all claiming it is not broken will realize how bad it actually is.

Sure, its broken for everyone that’s broke.
But is that the economy’s fault that they are broke?
No it isn’t, its their lack of selling anything at a value that attracts customers & earns revenue consistantly.
Its not " The Economy"
Everyone just wants to blame something other then their own short comings, as to why they aren’t making good coin.

The truth is, if you really want to make good coin. All you have to do is actually spend the time required to Gather/Hunt/Mine a ton of a very popular commodity. & sell it for lower then every possible store you can price check. That’s what I do, & it works pretty good for me, so im sure anyone can do it.

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I got lots of coins, I know how this market works. But what you all fail to realize is how supply vs demand works, which is the entire problem here.

And sure, it works for now. Next week you’ll have to drop prices again. And if everyone undercut eachother by 1 coin every time, we’d be at 1c items in a month. Google supply vs demand, and see the problem yourself.

The problem is not selling at low prices. Why would I even consider buying anything when I know prices are dropping weekly? I bought coils the other week for 6k each, now it’s 2.5k. I guess I’ll just wait. Oh right, this is exactly what is driving the economy to ■■■■, google deflation spirals.( Read Breakdown)

This is partly what is happening now. It is caused cause there is no proper item sink that removes or lowers the supply of items.

( Read fundamentals of supply vs demand, see if you see the most obvious correlation you currently aren’t understanding).

I don’t care if you say “this is a game, not irl”. Economics are the same whether they are virtual or not. Items should NOT last forever. That is why tools and oortsones are THE ONLY ITEMS currently doing well. Food and brews are doing okay BECAUSE they are item sinks and disappear after consumed, but are dropping a bit because they are not as important to playing the game properly as oortsones and tools are.

We need item sinks! Cars irl don’t last forever = car sink, allowing us to produce more while not having oversupply.

I hate to sound like a piece of S but you guys don’t really know how economics work. There is a reasona why every country irl is aiming for a 2% yearly inflation. We are definitely not seeing that here. Claiming we should do different than what nobel price winners advice is just plain stupid.

Also, it’s broken for the people that’s broke. Yeah, thats the economy we want. Good luck new players!

But that’s completely unrealistic, It simply couldn’t happen because the only way shops can sell items so cheap is if they are actually obtaining all those resources. The lower your prices go, the harder it becomes to maintain supply. So this undercutting war you speak of, could only go so far. Eventually the lesser entity will realize that they cannot keep up with supply at cost that are beyond their bounds due to Time/Playstyle/Coin etc. & will once again raise their prices or, stop selling said item completely.

The problem isn’t selling at low prices exactly, that could never be the problem is the whole point of my argument here. Its quite the opposite, its so many stores selling things at unreasonable prices, that’s the culprit & what players should really be thinking about. “Lowering their prices”
You don’t sound like a piece of S for simply stating your opinion on the economy :wink:

& yes I say broke, but that just means, low on funds.
& everyone has to start somewhere, & has the same opportunity as everyone else to make as much coin as they put the time & effort in game to making.
Regardless of other players positions, that may have a lot more experience & time invested under their belt. New players have the same exact opportunity to put in just as much time & effort as those Guys & Gals & or surpass them.
Its up to the individual player themselves, how much coin they choose to make or not make.
Its not the “Economy” Its not the players that were already playing & have built up large enterprises.

Its just players that aren’t making decent coin / as much as they think of feel they should be making.


Prices again? I’m little tired with this kind of debate.

The new players don’t care about that.
They want griding and earn a lot of coins.

IMO, the worse thing em Boundless, are the veterans players. Sorry, but you guys ruined the game and show the game weakness: the whales that constantly decrease the prices because they are whales.

They can do it easily.

Why the new players go to mining if you buy the ores a 150 cts? Ho…i know…for you guys do the forges things without any work.

Why the new players go past hours killing things if you buy bones at 1 cts?

And all forget the main thing: all the new players want to have a Shop, but they can’t because they can’t compete with the veterans players and the infinite beacons that they have.

You guys earn a lot of coins without any work.

And worse, the cities owners bulling all the time the players.
They know they have the power so, they do what they want.
If you don’t kiss their derrieres, they will bully you.

I think with the new guilds thing, this problem will increase.

This a Sandbox. Players should be able to do what they want to do.

Therefore, if nothing do to stop this, the game will die… faster then now.

The solution for this amazing and beautiful game that the devs make: reset the game. Don’t be afraid to loose old players. That’s a good thing.

Or (i don’t like much but others game already does this with enough results): make another universe. Only for new players. Maybe merge the universes past 1 year.

And please, decrease, a lot, the coins that players win with the beacons.
All the major owners’ cities have now a Shop (plural). No one can compete with them.


I read what seems to be a lot of opposing views in this thread but honestly I feel like everyone is right at least a little bit. There are so many complicated contributors to the economy that you could jiggle many variables and improve things.

I actually think the devs’ steady handed approach is currently working. It requires a lot of older players to eat crow on some of their high end products as we collectively learn their true market value though. If you want high level players to foot the bill for the market adjustment, you’re getting your wish.

The game will always be source-rich. Devs have made multiple motions to reinforce this. Increased world regen, promising to spawn planets when a resource is heavily regulated, and then doing it! I don’t think all goods will bottom out at 1c but I do think most, including gems, orbs, and alloys, will bottom out below 50c. Oortstone is the only base material I see remaining high. Simply because portals are the best sink in the game.

Devs will have to work hard to avoid prices dropping sub 1c since we cant trade fractional coins. They could let us sell bundles (10 stones per coin) to compensate or make more recipe sinks to drive up the value. My guess is they will continue to add more sinks.

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