Prices again? I’m little tired with this kind of debate.
The new players don’t care about that.
They want griding and earn a lot of coins.
IMO, the worse thing em Boundless, are the veterans players. Sorry, but you guys ruined the game and show the game weakness: the whales that constantly decrease the prices because they are whales.
They can do it easily.
Why the new players go to mining if you buy the ores a 150 cts? Ho…i know…for you guys do the forges things without any work.
Why the new players go past hours killing things if you buy bones at 1 cts?
And all forget the main thing: all the new players want to have a Shop, but they can’t because they can’t compete with the veterans players and the infinite beacons that they have.
You guys earn a lot of coins without any work.
And worse, the cities owners bulling all the time the players.
They know they have the power so, they do what they want.
If you don’t kiss their derrieres, they will bully you.
I think with the new guilds thing, this problem will increase.
This a Sandbox. Players should be able to do what they want to do.
Therefore, if nothing do to stop this, the game will die… faster then now.
The solution for this amazing and beautiful game that the devs make: reset the game. Don’t be afraid to loose old players. That’s a good thing.
Or (i don’t like much but others game already does this with enough results): make another universe. Only for new players. Maybe merge the universes past 1 year.
And please, decrease, a lot, the coins that players win with the beacons.
All the major owners’ cities have now a Shop (plural). No one can compete with them.