The economy is not broke

Not sure either was never my business but HOST’S. But pulsating drops better than shimmering and is within 15 minutes up to 3 SS. So go out from at least half of that. That would be a secure smartstack so 900 orbs at the very least! of shimmering orbs within the 15 minutes time frame :slight_smile:

*that is, if you work with speedy tools/speed brews and starberry pie

Well this post is a necro from really just a few weeks after release.

The economy was in a bit of a shakeup at the time of course, and the meta for resources were pretty different from now, too.

I was being conservative with the numbers for the person who asked (first post, welcome :smile:) but yeah, it’s actually a lot easier now than it was when any of that was written.

There was a time when solo hunting mobs at T5-6 would net you some relatively nice coin. Now it’s trivial vs. the numbers rolling out of group hunts.

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