The Essence & Fossils Trade

Nice, Made a mistake by coal wanted the medium coal or hard coal instead of soft coal . :grin::grin::grin: , my fault :grin::grin::grin:
Restocking everything@ this Moment.

Perhaps add that in the picture your portal is still marked as the Pyramid of Giza Plateau.

Also, funny thought, how about renaming your shop’s beacon to the Ancient Essential Pyramid of Giza Plateau! :smiley:

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Pictures have been updated :+1::+1::+1: thx for the advice​:+1::+1::+1:

Renaming the beacon could BE an Option, Sounds good the ancient Essential Pyramid of Giza Plateau​:grin::grin::grin:

I am @ Work but when i left Home , 4 hours ago, there we’re still 400.000 coins in request basket for Fossils.

Also 72.000 coins left for hard coal buying each for 12c.

I have plenty of medium coal to sell too if you need it

Everything was restocked shop stands and request baskets.@12:00 cet

400.000 coins for Fossils

100.000 coins for Coal

72.000 Ancient Essence to sell, more in my Storage

i ll be at home in 3,5 hours for refilling everything

Thx to everyone who is supporting me and my work

Big Thx specialy goes to molav


So i Made some Changes in the build, ITS a little farther INSIDE now to have more Spacey for upcomming requests basket s and selling Stands .

Don t Wonder If you step through the Portal and dont see the First two trees stepps anything. Then IT will plop Up .

Everything was also refilled a Few Moments ago.

Greetings Turrican2006

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Back from Holidays and Got the Shop updated :grin::grin::grin:

Like the Pictures below says i m


Ancient Essence 3,8 c

Vital Essence. 3,0 c


Large Fossil 37 c
Medium Fossil 14 c
Small Fossil. 5 c

Hard Coal 12 c
Medium Coal 4 c
Small Coal 1,2 c

Meat 1,2 c
Creature Mantel 5,25 c

Any Gleam 1 c

I think for every Miner and Hunter very good prices to sell and for everybody who needs Essence cheap to buy :smiley::smiley::smiley:

Please Support me to keep this up for our great Community :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

Will BE restocked daily Like before my Holidays :grin::grin:

If there is Somebody who wants a contract for Fossils or Meat or Creature Mantel Message me. Thx in advance.

Greetings Turrican2006

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ich finde es prima leider hab ich das zu spät mitbekommen und mein zeug viel zu billig verkauft. Aber finde es ne super sache, bin auch für Fair trade… wenn ich mir anschaue was andere machen… kannst dir ja mal meinen shop auf lamblis anschauen, aber bin gerade am umbauen, wie fast jeden tag… aleine dauert das halt alles etwas länger xd
bin auch immer auf der suche nach neuen kontakten… ich spiel ps4…

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“I think it’s great, unfortunately I’ve noticed too late and sold my stuff too cheap. But think it’s a great thing, I’m synonymous for Fair Trade … if I look at what others do … you can even look at my shop on lamblis, but I am currently rebuilding, as almost every day … aleine takes just a little longer xd
am always looking for new contacts … I play ps4 …“

Willommen a boundless!


Wo ist dein Shop auf lamblis?
Ich adde dich nachher auf der PS4 ist das dort auch deine id ?

Komischer Weise nehmen nur ganz wenige meine Preise an was ich nicht verstehe da alle anderen weniger im Einkauf bezahlen und die Produkte teurer verkaufen obwohl ich nicht wenig an Menge anforder oder auch verkaufe.

Where is your Shop in lamblis?
I ll add you later in PS4 , is this there your ID too ?
I Don t know why but there are Just a Few people that sell to me or buy at me instead they sell for less or buy more expensive at Others :thinking::thinking::thinking: even i would buy a
Lot and habe many to sell.

thx 4 translate <3

ps hub lamblis s2
eresho ultima hub
shop name : forged with love tool time shop
psn id: downsouth721

You have a very nice Shop there, and i can say your prices are very fair for the products you sell because of the quality and your prices für buying stuff are also great :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Vital Essence are Sold Out at the Moment , Hunters Out there please sell your meat or Creature Mantel to me to make new Essence Out of IT.

Will add more basquets later for other creature Drops.

Ancient Essence about 160.000 pices to sell and more in Stock.

Feel free to to sell your Fossils coins are in :grin::grin::grin:

Greetings Turrican2006