THE FUTURE MALL opening 20th of may 2023

today is the official day for the future mall opening.
it has been a while but I have also been busy in real life and dealing with sleep issues.
even though the mall still needs still fine-tuning, it should not affect the shop owners at all.
I still plan to open up to other hubs and cities, but it is very hard these days to find an active city to connect to. (i will keep trying)

find a spot and make it yours!

so far we have a good amount of shops.

Also a big thank you!!! to the person that added 1 year of fuel to the FUTURE Sovereign.
I will keep adding to it, having such an amount of weeks adds safety and trust to those being part of the future. once again big thanks :heart: :heart:

also join the stream! -->> might do giveaways if there’s enough viewers.


Hey I worked all day and missed the fun but the mall is looking great.


The Mall IS connected to Pharao’s Kingdom Network too in the Center of the hub :grinning::grinning::grinning:

And yeah awesome someone spended 1 year of fuel to The Future :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


Want to make some easy coin? I need your help! Come to the Future Mall, Yellow Wing and stop by Dhuskhaven Mining Outpost with your Rough Topaz! I’m paying 50c per and I have two baskets each with 1.5M coin in them. I’ll be checking the baskets regularly and will refresh the coin as it gets low!

But Dhusk! I see you’re selling Rough Topaz at this shop! Are you just going to resell the topaz I sell to you?
In short, yes. I need a little bit of topaz for my own crafting but the vast majority of it I resell. Please do feel free to open your own shop and sell topaz. Competition is good for the market!

I don’t know any good places to mine for Topaz…
Never fear. I have FOUR really good locations on my planet of Dhuskhaven (off Shedu Tier). The planet is free for anyone to mine on and I can provide location tokens if you’d like!

**I’m not that good at mining and I don’t think I’d be able to get much…"
Don’t worry about it! Whether you come by with 10 Rough Topaz or 10,000 Rough Topaz, all is appreciated!

Thank you and good luck!