The future of farms

So I spent a bunch of my playtime in HOST today.

:blush: I mean, on HOST, sorry. Or whatever. Under the surface of a sovereign world which happens to have the name of HOST. It was moist in HOST but I expected that, I was there to dig at some growth. In @HOST’s Growth farm. On HOST. I hope that’s all making sense for you by now but if not, just be warned about the sort of thing you might find trying to farm materials in THE FUTURE.

Anyways …

It’s a nice little farm, a T1 growth farm a couple of plots under water and with a sweet spot where you can 3x3 through the entire width. I did burn up some of my scrappy T1 titanium shovels here today and a sapphire, then one of the topaz shovels on display. I ran into @HOST and signed up to use the local minter, too.

After I was done I decided to do a little profitability check, especially since I had done the first part of my visit without the durability drain epic (:scream:)

I bought a shovel for 5999c. They’re just what you need, right now there are still 32 here, most or all forged by May.

I had one bag of regen bombs left and it had 3 durability :smirk:. I bought two more for the local price of 777c each. If you forget your bombs there’s another 100+ bags here right now.

I’ve been doing this for a little bit so I don’t want to dawdle. I’m throwing in a starberry pie and a Mega Fast I brought, too. This puts me at 5999 + 1554 + 500 + 59 = 8112c spent.

The first time I had to stop and mint, I just zeroed my coins to the guild bank so I wouldn’t have to log anything, and started minting. Look I brought a wrench :stuck_out_tongue:

I managed to finish the shovel in the time of a single fast brew, with a max dex shovel build. I mean, within seconds of each other. I could have probably done my minting mid-session a little faster, but be warned the shovel will harvest more than one inventory full of growth.

At the end I had 17220 coin from the minter, and about half a bag of bombs left. So I slightly more than doubled my coin, with the growth. Now all I have is twice as much money, and almost exactly two stacks of shimmering orbs.

You can calculate from the pic that this stack of orbs mints for 6048c in a fully coiled minter. That’s another 150% profit but the orbs should sell easily for more than that. If you don’t need them like I do for making forge ingredients and blocks and whatever else.

So since it’s only hitting growth, the starberry and speed brew don’t really change anything about the numbers, they just trade a little more cost for speed and you can see here I was still able to double my money, and also walk away with the orbs, in roughly 15 minutes.

I highly recommend this farm for anyone who needs some shimmers or just wants a nice, efficient farm for grinding some growth. There are a couple of other shimmering orb farms here (3 in total) but today I only used this one :grin: