[THE FUTURE] Portals to each region x64 get some exp! (may be used for hunts)

yes bro, that’s what i wanted to do in the first place.
the idea behind this is that when i allow plotting overtime people can just pick a region they like to build on and when they have a shop setup or tell people the quick and easy way to access , (hey i build at region 32) , so they just have to use that portal to get there instead of going through 31 others first… that’s the logic behind it for me. but i might do this on my second 64 region planet!
and i always see it as a suggestion and not criticism mate :slight_smile:


it won’t its just playing smart not hard

glad you like it! ^_^.
thank you matey

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Thanks for explaining. I like your idea of claiming regions! :heart:

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Quick question, can you even cover the portal expenses? You need 33k / day for break-even according to my calculations. Footfall is only 2.56k / visitor…


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are you sure?

64 portals 1 shard per hour x 24hours in a day?

besides that i can fuel all portals for 3-4months currently
in time they ran out i probably got another 4-5 months ready, so yeah i can fully maintain it ^^

footfall depends on the prestige, the goal is to get each portal area to 250,000 prestige

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It’s about right depending on the cost of shards. I’m not sure how much footfall you get per visitor but I think you only need 5-10 per day to break even. Of course, knowing you, this is simply a large benevolent donation to the community from your heart :slight_smile:

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18x300/250x24x64 = 33177.6 considering 1 oort = 0.3k coins.

18 stones
300 price
250 hours
24 hours in a day
64 portals


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ooooh you mean cost! xD i thought shards per day haha,
as for cost yeah i got that fully covered :stuck_out_tongue:

having a bad headache i blame that sorry

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it varies for now really but yeah its not about the coins for me , its about helping the community, and now that we have sovereigns it was a good idea to do what i wanted to do ages ago and without getting in trouble for it.



also spread the word with others so they could enjoy the exp too! i could even set up portals to the area if people want it at their city/hub i just need to know if this is required

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i added numbers so people know the starting point, also for those to remember where they left off, if they get lagged out


This is the best thing that has ever happened to me

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Glad you enjoy it!

Thanks for this, been showing others also. Twice while running through (with different alts) the game froze on me, do you think this is worth a support post?

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Thanks mate!

No no point since its related to the portals I assume, I tried with 5 alts and 2 had lag at the last 15 portals its really internet related I think since it does require a lot of load

edit: i noticed its only for new region unlocks that this lags occurs, i tried using alts that already have the regions unlocked and i had zero lag. maybe because the on screen region unlock notification is slower

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would also thank the community and players in game for all the messages i have received so far
i got so many messages with a thank you for setting up the portals i love the appreciation and it makes it worth doing!

thanks everyone


planet closed for public access due to some work and changes

also hopefully adding a portal from TNT to the region exp area today!

should be back accessible in 6 (ish hours).

Back accessible


Hey @HOST, I love your setup! I was thinking of doing something similar, if you don’t mind! Do you think it would be still be worth doing on a planet with 50 regions? I have two that size at the moment, but I am considering getting a larger planet.

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The way the math works, 50 regions will get about 127k exp whereas 64 regions get 208k exp. The difference is due to the 51st-64th region giving much more exp, since you get more exp for each consecutive region.

Basically the 1st region gives 100, 2nd gives 200, … 64th gives 6400