[THE FUTURE] Portals to each region x64 get some exp! (may be used for hunts)

Thank you so much for the math! That helps me out a lot.


like Alwin said is spot on, that’s the reason i did it, i myself would not do so on a 50 region planet but then again that’s me, you should do whatever makes you enjoy the game ^_^*


This is very helpful. Thanks and congrats on such a great addition to the community.

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thank you very much!

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Host is awesome and I hope more follow his lead

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stop making me blush bro you are awesome not me!

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really great idea & contribution. i even killed a spitter after him while he was afk =p things like this are what is great about this game.


Thank you!and also welcome to the forums :wave::+1:

Wait – you get experience just for discovering new regions? TIL.


yep xD :+1: :smile:

we have officially opened at TNT! its a direct access to the region exp portals to make life easier for the community ,who doesn’t know TNT right!? thank you team TNT!
(will add screenshots to OP as well)



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the area will be closed in 1 hour for 4-5 hours because players trigger the meteors when they enter the region and because a hunt will be held and i need the meteor fall cooldown to end when i do so

i will add some signs on what days it will be closed for a couple of hours, but as for today it will be in roughly 1 hour



Your place is not very crash friendly as it spawns me outside your portal hub. There’s no doors and it’s extremely hard to get from the ground up to it to sanctum bump back in. Even using a high end rift grapple with range


thanks for the feedback fire, i will add a platform below the area and add a portal as well there to warp back up :slight_smile:


Yea I don’t think the PS4 liked me going in and out of the portals crashed 2 or 3 times going to all the regions :sweat_smile:

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you are not alone, it seems the game just crashed on ps4, sometimes lucky (mostly not i think) i have had it happen 1x to me but for those that do crash its better to make it easier for them to get back up (just remember the portal number ^^) thanks for pointing it out

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What is the level required for each level nowadays? I know 50 and 50+ is 200k per level, but I do not know what it is below that.

This post definitely looks out of date: Lvl atm?

In other words, how many more of these do we need to get someone from level 1 to 50 in a single shot?

don’t forget the teaching pie…

i do know you can get from level 1 to 20 with just using region portals (with teaching pie)

maybe someone needs to do a run from level 20 with teaching pie and see how far he or she gets
then for example if it gets to level 26 then level 26 does the same. to get a rough idea of how many are needed.

i assume a lot since it slows down dramatically after 30 ish

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There is a table floating around with the exp up to level 50.
