The game is harder to run now

Will the game be easier to run in the future… ever since the update the game lags allpt more now because of the new textures

Tue devs have mentioned adding in lower res options for textures and materials, so this will help a great deal. I don’t know when they plan to do this, however.

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They will likely need data and time to optimize the new changes.

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Not necessarily, they said they would simply add low res version s of the new textures so the engine isn’t trying to render so many pixels at once.

Well, experience shows that next to the (optional) way of downgrading the textures most engines are “refined” over the process of development, so Havok’s answer is right as well :wink: … I think we will have even slower times when more features are added, but then the wind will get back into our sails (through the holy work of the allmighty devs :pray: ) so that everything will run smoothly again … like it was in most games I took part in the alpha too ^^


I’ve actually noticed that there are a couple features that will hit your performance for about 20 fps a piece. You gotta go through each setting and toggle it for about 30 seconds and walk around a bit to see how your fps and render times are affected. I noticed that just a couple options in the per pixel lighting changed my fps heavily, so maybe check some of those.

I’ve noticed a drop in fr after every major patch. 2-3 patches later it stabilized.