🔁 The Guild of the Infinite wants YOU!

Have you seen what people do to each other? online and IRL?

Anything can be a rule. Look in any ToS or other document that describes how people should behave to each other and 1/2 of it is stuff that should be common sense. shouldn’t need saying but obviously isn’t

Some of the cultural diversity “classes” that some of us are forced to go to are even more painfully obvious, but yet it still seems to be a problem in the work place.

“Have common sense” can be a rule if you choose it to be.
“Act like a decent human” can be a rule if you choose it to be.

When you say something like no rules at all, then that is what you are saying, people can do whatever to each other. and people WILL take that at face value.

So if you want people to behave. I would suggest putting at least the basic rule. Inless you don’t mind people coming in and giving you a hard time just for the fact.

If someone is the type of person that sees “No rules” and decides that is a free ticket to act like an animal, they will have bigger problems in life than getting booted from a guild.

Follow the Boundless CoC, and community guidelines and you’ll be fine! =D


Yessss~! I win-win lol

We are animals. Hence why the laws, and other stuff that I can not get in to on the forums with out causing an absolute uproar.

Wonderful, drop that into your MOTD or guild information and thats all you need for a “rule”. That is alot better then claiming to have “no rules” and will give people the reassurance that people who do behave incorrectly will be dealt with.

We’ll do! =D

To Infinity, and beyond!
In an endless multiverse of infinite possibilities, this thread was always destined to go down at some point. As pointed out, some people do resemble animals. Fortunately we are citizens and dont have tails (yet :wink:) sounds awesome, cant wait to see what you all get up to

Guilds are coming! See the OP to get in on some sweet sweet guild action!

uhh might make something like that in blender xD

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Hey! That’s a street name on Tana!

Rosa would love to join this guild.

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Yeah, go ahead and add myself to your list as well. Same name you see here.

Tentatively add “Skaghar” too.
He’s being a bit of a mule and hasn’t said anything to me besides wanting to make his own (baby) guild, but since we can join multiple guilds he’ll come around.
I have my ways. :sunglasses:

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My name in game is Rosa, my PlayStation I’d is. Ranger33aneg

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we’ll do! =D

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The unalligned BRGR may (or may not) want to pledge under this guild in some of the infinite futures ahead of us

On the other hand though, why is this the wrong reason? Wanting to get buffs and not being able to commit to a fixed/recurring social element is within the system, and the game is meant to be boundless. I don’t see the problem. (I was thinking of starting a No Obs Guild for the same reason!)

Because I feel that Joining a guild should be about being with a group of people who you respect, and have similar goals and ideologys. it should NOT be because you just want some kind of bonus.

Which is why I feel the buff system is wrong in general to be applied on a guild level. WoW even slightly reversed how their guild buff system works, reducing it down to 2 simple minor attractive buffs, 10% more mounted movement speed, and reduced CD on hearthstone. before it contained alot more.

I feel if they want to make a buff system that gives any kind of meaningful buff, it should be on a personal level. As again, the point of joining a guild, at least in my book, is for the social interactions.

Rather or not the guild haves a fixed commitment requirement is simply what starts to draw the line between a casual guild, and a hardcore guild. but in for a casual guild you are typically joining in for the Social interactions, you just don’t want to also have requirements and/or quotas that force you to log in and do something.

I was hoping no one would ever respond to me with this.

This game is not boundless when the devs take an creative, yet overdone idea and not only nerf it, but stomp it right into the ground such that it haves little to no viability left.

This game is not boundless when the devs are willing to shut down questionable builds because players don’t have the situational awareness to look thru a portal before walking thru it.

This game is not boundless when the devs try to suppress effective things and force you to eat RNG.

This game is not boundless when the devs nerf how easy it is to make one type of block that was not really causing any problems at all.

No, I am pretty sure the game is called boundless merely for the fact that we are not bounded on one world and we can use portals to go almost where ever we want, and even with that we are limited in range. and require more then one portal if you want to reach far out places.

If the game was truly ment to be boundless. then the devs should have absoutely no problem with whatever the players are doing, however they are doing it as long as it is not cheating or hacking. or abusing exploits and bugs.

A boundless game would be using only buffs to push stuff up into line, not nerfs to pull stuff back down into line.

The very act of nerfing something is putting a bound on it.

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I see. I guess I would have similar motivations to others in that I’d want the benefit without needing to adhere to rules or rotas due to afk demands, so we would. But probably only because of the buffs.

I didn’t examine the idea it was weird or wrong I think because the last MMO I was a regular on had guilds and guild buffs so they just seemed natural. Had a similar set up there where members would contribute enough to keep guild benefits ticking over but nothing more was required.

Which game was this? The only other game I played that had guild buffs which was then nerfed later is WoW. so if there are many other games that do this, then I would like to know about it. cause to me that is very rare.

DDO. Had Guild Airships on which you could place buff “machines” which you could grab and run off to do your thing. They required either in-game currency like coin or bought currency to keep going, so we had a set up where we took turns to top them up but otherwise no more required (though of course many did more than nothing, it just wasn’t required).

I see. well thats good to know. I still don’t like the idea of people joining guilds just only for the fact of guild buffs, But as long as the devs don’t go overboard with it and start adding +25% damage buffs or something to it. then I am not going to say that this is a broken system, it is just one that I do not agree with personally.