The Highest Honor Objective

Hey there,

i am the Viceroy of Xa Frant now for about two days but the Objective won´t complete. Looks like there is something wrong with it. I tried to re enter the Town and Planet but it just wont Trigger the Quest. Its not like i need the coin or xp, but i would like to have my Objectives complete.

I’ll add this to the bug database. In the meantime, just to confirm, is ‘Kagenokami’ the name of your character here?

Also, is there any other information that you can provide regarding the settlement here? For example:

  • Can you recall anything you were doing 2 days ago when you became the Viceroy?
  • How many players were part of the beacon and did they contribute to building?
  • What was the previous capital city (if applicable)?

And anything else that may be of interest.

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Is it actually a settlement or a single beacon? I found to get Viceroy and that achievement I needed to do two beacons and join them to form the settlement and then it registered.

The second beacon only needed one plot and to exist, didn’t seem to need to hit 10k prestige.

Yes, Kagenokami is my main character.

I was just building as i got Viceroy. There are 3 people involved in my beacons, at least if it comes to building, but i made about 80-90% of it. The previous capital city was Las Vegas. Its a Portal Seekers town.

And i have 3 beacons in the town, my main beacon with about 1,1 million Prestige, a community workshop with about 200k and a beacon i just started together with Alduin with also about 200k.

Hey, have something that will be nice to know for you. The objective just triggered as i went through a portal to a hamlet of a friend thats also on Xa Frant. So its completed now.

Rename the settlement…that’ll pop the achievement

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Ah yes I forgot that happened to me too - had to travel back into the new beacon once for it to register. (For any future readers.)

I’m having a similar issue. I tried renaming the Settlement, and leaving and returning to the beacon - neither worked.

There are 2 parts to the objective:

  • Raise a Settlement’s Prestige until it becomes Capital City (hasn’t triggered)
  • Become the Viceroy of a World by owning the Capital City (has triggered and is complete)

Not sure what to try now.

Just to check, is your settlement showing up on the compass as a yellow icon and is also shown as the capital on Places -> Worlds -> Current World.

Hi. Thanks for your reply.

Yes and yes.

Can you provide a screenshot of this information, along with the objective pinned on screen as well?

Thanks @JupiterJones for providing the screenshot via PM. What happens when you move far away enough from the capital city and then move back? Does it make a difference to the objective?

Sadly nothing changes. I’ve left and entered many times, just walking and through portals.

I’m just chatting with one of the software engineers about this, who wants to ask the following:

  • Have you tried renaming the beacon (as opposed to the settlement)?
  • Are you the mayor of the settlement?

Yes and Yes - if by Mayor you mean Warden. It’s pretty much a solo build.

Thanks for trying all the suggestions. The only thing that remains for me to say is that you’ve hit an issue where it just isn’t completing the task at all, so I’ll have to add this to the bug database.

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The only other thing I was thinking is the Objective states Capital City and technically a city has 6.5M prestige.

I gather this isn’t the case otherwise there would be no Capital until one of the Towns becomes a City.

Maybe the use of “City” in the object is not correct and it should just say “Capital.”

Hi all; has there been any new info on what’s up with the Highest Honour objective? I too have not been able to trigger the first part of the objective (the part about raising the prestige to become Capital City), but have triggered the Viceroy part and received the achievement.
I’ve tried a lot of methods of becoming the Captial City (and relinquished to try again), and just can’t get it to trigger.
Is it a bug? Or just a really specific condition you have to meet?

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Are You a City think its 6.5 mil ?
Are you all one beacon?

A City Consists of multiple Beacons

I had 32 mil prestige all one beacon then realized I needed multiple characters beacons to trigger the achievement

Is Your City Compactness on the leaderboard

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