The solution for all those empty plinths: Statues (with posing)

So I was looking at these ornate stone doors in my base, and then thinking about the description of marble…

That made me come up with the idea of posable statues. To be fair to all builder styles, these could be made of wood, stone, metals and marble. They could be spray-tinted and they would be 2 blocks tall.

You would then place these wherever you like, not necessarily over a plinth, and then you could interact with them to select an existing emote animation and at what point of the animation the statue should be frozen at (with a slider possibly). You would also be able to choose how the statue character looks: male/female and the horn/hair style and what types of character paint or headgear the statue has (from ones you have unlocked!).


Deco totems part

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This is so perfect! Yes please!

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How about when wearables are released, we get to dress these guys up!

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Not quite the same thing, but would still like to see those in-game, too!

Hadn’t seen this one yet, thanks. :slight_smile:

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This would be great for populating our homes, villages and towns!

Plus! We could make our own Terracotta Army!

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It’d be cool if we could display anything on a plinth too, instead of placing it in a shop stand.


LOVE this! :smiley: Heh, I don’t know if anybody has encountered it (let me know if so, it will give me a laugh) but sometimes when I’m in my settlement and go afk, or am just waiting for someone there, I’ll make my character sit or stand on an empty shop plinth. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


There should be an emote you can choose called /afk that will display your character nodding off with a “…” above their head lol


I asked about this a while back and it turns out, the standard plinth was just supposed to be a display stand where you could put things. I do hope they still want to implement it at some point!


I just saw this post while looking for something else. Great idea! I would build with these!

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I agree sir!

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