The top of my build is disappearing!

Um, I’ve built a tall building and when I came back about 7 of the blocks were missing at the very top. I thought maybe a needed a beacon and plotter to expand upward, but that doesn’t seem to be required. It recognizes the beacon below.

Any ideas why blocks are disappearing? I’m certain it was complete. I spent time viewing the complete build from different directions.



A plot is 8 voxel blocks by 8 voxel blocks.
You have to plot up, plot down, …everyplace you want to build. It’s not automatically plotted to the sky.
If you place a block and it has an orange outline, it’s outside of your plots and will disappear.
If you have a tall building, you’ll need to plot it every 8 voxel blocks.


Thank you, appreciate it!


Ok, I’ve placed the beacon all over in different areas and no matter where I put it, it says the plot is reserved by another beacon… ah… nevermind. I’m playing with a miner alternate.

Thanks again!


Another thing that might be handy in Knowledge → Tips → Worlds … make sure the World Regeneration does not have a check mark by it.

This way, any time you place a block outside of a beacon by accident you will get the following popup on your screen.


If it is directly above one you already have, you don’t need a new beacon, just the plotter. :slight_smile: If it is saying reserved, probably because it is my plots there. But anything directly above and below what you already have will be reserved by you, so you can claim them with a plotter.

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Yes, I think I just need a plotter! I came back because I’m still getting the reserved message! Thanks, Paka!


Also, very helpful! Thanks!

Hmm, is it directly east of the miner’s place there? I can fix that actually… I’m pretty sure I can make it so you can plot in the reserved areas I have if that is where it is. I’ll have to do it in the morning though when I can get back on that character. :wink:

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I think it will be fine once I climb back up there lol I am about to, but I just learned something NEW while doing this! In Build mode, I can reach WAY HIGHER with my hammer!! LOL

*makes total sense.

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Yep (something like 20 plots later) LOL My plotter still works.

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Press “B” when building …
It shows you the space wich you have plotted :+1:
And wich you can safely build without the blocks getting regenerated outside the beaconed area :grinning:

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Another trick, if you don’t have the plot view on - look at the outline before you set down a block. If there is a green outline, that’s yours, you’re good. If orange, it isn’t plotted.