The Universim

Hi there,

Unfortunately, I missed the Kick-Starter-Campain of “The Universim” (Steam-Link). Does someone of you foundet it and already played beta ? I like to buy it as fast as it is availabe at steam … what are your opinions about it ?

That was the first game I backed on Kickstarter. It’s still in pre-alpha as far as I know - unfortunately I only backed at a level that allows me beta access, but I’m still eagerly awaiting that day :smile:

Did you try the Demo?^^

The pre-alpha has a suprising amount of content :slight_smile:

Right now I would recommend checking their news log on their website to get a better idea abou their plans.

Did you played it ? Is the concept fun ? I read a lot about it, but the thing i’m not sure about it is the long term motivation. as far as i see it, it’s only single player and only a “indirect” controle over your people … does this get boring fast ? is it fun to play it 3, 4, 5 … n times like Black & White (played it round about 10 times with diffrent god creatures and diffrent tactics)


I like the concept but by the time it is not very realised as it is only in its second pre-alpha.

By the time no, again second pre-alpha update. By the time you can’t get further than stone age.

I would recommend waiting with buying it until have gotten a bit further in developement, I mostly spring into kickstarter because the backer rewards makes the risk worth it if the game is completed, and as you have no gurantee…


thanks a lot :slight_smile:

From what I’ve read over on the site forums, the development team has been extremely bad about delays and missing dates, etc. I myself was so impressed with the look of the game in demo videos that I decided to back it. It’s been several hours now and I’ve received no information as to where to download the game. I feel like they’ve taken my money and ran. :smile: We’ll see…

They encountered a serious bug hat popped right as they layed the final touches on the launcher, which I feel is a valid excuse for being delayed ^.^

About information: Go here: press lost password and type in the email you used to buy the game. You should now have access to your dashboard you can download the launcher from here ^.^

Thanks. I finally got an e-mail from them this morning with an initial password to use to access my dashboard. I’ve got access to the game, but am also hearing that the current version is limited (not manually, but because of current optimization limitations) to twenty minutes of game play?

Eh they have optimised it to work at least 20 minutes. (Having the game break before you have completed the tutorial is kinda sad so they made sure it worked up until that point) After that they say that they cannot promise anything about stability. I think there was someone on the forum that pulled it for 2 hours or something before stuff started breking apart.