The Wonderful Oortphabet

Soo as I’m trying to make my settlement as lore friendly as possible, I’m still trying to grasp the Oortphabet, so as to use this unique and lovely language to make signs throughout my small hamlet. The problem seems to lie not in finding the alphabetical translation but rather how to write in Oortian, basically just the sentence structure and how the letters fit together. I’m sure that I’m probably just missing some huge post or previous discussion, but I figured I’d take a more direct approach and just ask :heart:

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Have you tried the oortphabet font?

Sentences start and end with one of the dots :oort_start: and end with a different dot :oort_stop:

:oort_start: :oort_g: :oort_o: :oort_o: :oort_d: :oort_space: :oort_l: :oort_u: :oort_c: :oort_k: :oort_exclaim: :oort_stop:



You guys are wonderful.:heart::heart::heart: And actually I’m in the process of trying out that font on my phone :joy: