Thematic Settlements and Random people

It can be difficult to move. I am not worried about the blocks (I did not use anything that rare) but moving the storage and the machines are the real issues. If you have people in game they might be able to help you. . or start a moving service and charge coin per trip to help others move.

The other thing I have done in the past is to just get the new build ready (less machines) and as I empty machines, I move them. I only add to the new storage not the old. It does mean some back and forth until the old area is clear, but it can make it feel less like a chore to move.

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Um, if you are willing to pay oort, why not build one or more portal pairs to where you want to move? for quick moving around? Should speed up by quite a lot and with some planning those should not have to be open more than half a day or so?