There should be place-able compass markers

I think it would help navigate cities if we had some kind of object like a world control that would project a marker on our compasses, showing the designation of that area. There should be one for each of the community-centric locations we have come up with. Off the top of my head, I’m thinking:

  • Hunt lobby
  • Mall
  • A city’s MAIN portal hub
  • Guild hall
  • Community message board (discord channel etc)

This is a raw idea but I know it would help me navigate highly developed areas in many ways, with things like the main portal hub icon showing us the way back to the big networks without having to sanctum home like I always do.


That’s a great idea, a know I get lost an awful lot running around cities. Perhaps it could be something that the player has to interact with and ‘add it’ to their compass. Because I’m 100% sure you’d end up in a city with 100s of place markers cluttering your compass


Yea, there’s no way it wouldn’t be abused. Smh. I guess turning them on manually would be the only way to go but you’d have to have been to it first so that’s less than ideal too. :confused: