Thinking about leaving Boundless... give me a reason not to

or leave them in reclaims like me, nice and sorted by color too!


I’d suggest taking a break. I did, for probably a year. Not my first break, either. I missed building things and since I live in Minnesota and it’s cold af right now, a little Boundless is going a long way. This last break was my longest because I let everything go to ash. It’s been a blessing and a curse. On one hand rebuilding is the worst, no workshop setup and storage is a pain. A clean slate, though is oddly liberating. A fresh start let me take a bigger picture of my settlement plan into account when rebuilding.

IF you decide to go, consider fueling your beacons and set a calendar to come refuel them. And whatever you do, take screenshots before you make any decisions! You’ll thank yourself, someday. Either rebuilding and knowing how you did something or just to remember.


They should have given us Mod supposrt long ago. Letting us have limited access to the api was great for the shop search tools amd such, but the ability to create a custom world with user created content would give the game a longevity beyond its current state. New textures, and maybe even scripts allowing for new machines. Weve seen what the players can come up with. It would be an easy way to extend the life of the game with little work from the devs end…


Yeah as most of you say, I am staying because it’s a sandbox game I really enjoy with whatever thing we currently have, but it is also true that if we could make some “player mods” this game would skyrocket, that is indeed a great Idea RobZadouch, some small tweeks from the devs and we wouldn’t even think of leaving in the first place… anyways, I’m still on, and I’m still logging in everyday… I guess I’m just gonna keep playing hoping for things to change sooner that we think.


at this point i would love to be able to get a hold of the real game and try to begin modding it and trying to build new things myself. I feel like that will be the way the game is going to need to go