Thinking of leaving (the forum)

I am thinking of leaving the Forums as it is becoming depressing around here.
I’ll enjoy my time by playing the game - as it is positive, beautiful and relaxing :slight_smile:



You forgot to ask for the thread to be locked :rofl::rofl:


I was tempted to go full forum **** and make a thread saying “30m coin giveaway, just reply here If u want it”, then ask for it to be locked. Although I suppose that would gtee that majorvex just got it all :rofl:


@majorvex if i where you you should start collecting.

Its always your choice :wink: to stay or leave
I have times i think bye forum (for now).
Mostly when it becomes negative.

But if you quit the forum you will also miss the positivity of most posts.

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I’ll just move this to off-topic. No value for the game or the “general” category…



Yeah, I have to admit I’m starting to feel the same, thought about just purely playing the game and going quiet. My feelings on it are so torn at this point - the thing that keeps me here are all my fellow Citizens who I care about so much and want to help whenever possible. :slight_smile: In general, I’m a “If you can’t say something nice…” person, I have put out a few critiques and concerns I felt needed to be said, but if I’m going to be dead honest, I’ve REALLY held back on not touching publicly on the things that have really upset me. A few people know but know I don’t want any of it put out there for the love and gratitude I have for the game, and because I don’t want to contribute to more negativity - and this is all I’ll say about it. Only saying this much (please don’t ask for elaboration from me anywhere) so people know I really do have my reasons.

I’ll end this post on a positive note: The game is so, so beautiful and relaxing, can never agree with that enough, truly healing, and the friendships I’ve made here have helped me more than I can say - and if I continue to post, that is why, I may continue to meet and get to know even more of you incredible people, and to help you whenever I can. :smiley:


The amount of times i just bite my tongue and don’t let it hisssss. :joy::rofl::joy:
Reading negativity.
Trying to respond with positive notes and the text reads as negative that i just trash and not respond at all…
Irl ill tell you what i think even if someone is stupid or just plain dumb…
But on the forum for the community :grin:
Yeah if I can’t keep it mostly positive i just don’t comment. Im also sure ive messed that up a few times. (Probably because it irritated me to much and just had to say it).

The main reason i also think we have to keep this forum clean (especially me as an adult even tough that is sometimes debatable) is I don’t know how old the one on the other side is that reads and or posts. This is a game that young ones play to after all…


I almost left forums due to some people :zipper_mouth_face: but I decided not to

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I must be one of them :smiley:


No not you, your nice
Also it was only 2 people

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Not that nice to you but I’ll try better, if you try using those commas :slight_smile:


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I’ll admit I’m starting to get a sinking feeling here. But then, that could just be because my mood stinks and I’m just depressed as heck in general over life stuff. Sometimes I’ll just lash out at whatever is nearest… sometimes that happens to be some pixels… :crazy_face: Has me thinking maybe I should go quiet here.

So sorry if I seem more grumpy or negative than in the past, regardless of if I do or don’t shut up for a bit. :flushed: I’m griping more, but truly want the game to stick around more than anything. Games are my escape, sanctuary… let me flee from IRL unhappiness, forget troubles for a bit. So in the end, even if I go all Evil Paka here a little here and there, since I’m generally stressed, appetite gone and wasting away (that always messes with my mood), in the end overwhelming gratitude for games and what they bring me override all that. :slight_smile:

I know if I keep posting I may continue to grump here and there, but no matter what and regardless of how this ends or doesn’t, love this community and the game, always!

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Aw I’m very sorry I hope u feel better

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Thanks!! :smiley:

I can say, the support of some of the friends I’ve made here has absolutely meant the WORLD to me! Even if I DIDN’T love the game itself so much I’d still be more grateful for it than any other for that reason alone! :slight_smile: And extra thanks here to those of you who have been privately listening to griping, paranoid rants, and general nonsense from Evil Paka here. :crazy_face:

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If u wanna gripe to me feel free to pm me

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Thanks, and I offer the same to any here who ever need to vent or anything! :slight_smile:

We might have our dysfunctions but I do think of us as a big ol’ family here… I’m the batty, eccentric aunt where everybody is worried about getting me going at the dinner table about this or that or especially cats… :crazy_face:

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Do u like cats or are u a weirdo

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Edit: Let’s put it to a public poll. :laughing:

Evil Paka…

  • Likes Cats
  • Is a Weirdo
  • Both (Both is good)

0 voters

So like I asked do u like em or not