This damn update

I got two things I want to say and last one’s more of a question than something I got to say but it amazes me how God damn disgusting people are towards James for a game that’s 10 times better than Minecraft and ever will be or a game that he made out of his basement pretty much. I’ve been playing the game since 2016 and I’m still not finished of what I have to do and what I need built to have everything in the game so it’s crazy to me that the people that complain about a update that don’t even have half the ■■■■ in the game but still complain about needing an update. An lastly when’s the next update just asking for a friend. :sweat_smile:


I would say they are not complaining at James anymore since he no longer has a part in it. :rofl:


hahaha well trueee hopfully the newguy has thick skin


The new guy:

the new guy


Thanks Dutchiepoo, now I feel real old…



Ahhh yes, Arnold and Taylor Swift when she was a youngin


I don’t think anyone hated on James at a personal level or even at a developer level. What he made was great… but his lack of communication … can go suck a rock.


Well he did mislead us as to what the game would have.

Goats/Pigs, Staves, Ruins, Guardians, Protectors, Titans…If you were not aware. This started off as Oort Online and was rebranded to Boundless. Steam shows plenty of concept art and youtube has an Old video. So my take, snake oil salesman to build hype in hopes to making enough to get more staff. But hey…I must be jaded cause I backed a game that didn’t even end up to what it was originally pitched for.

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There’s probably not a single game ever made that entered the market as the thing it was originally pitched as, to be fair.


I’m just going to say, you missed a lot then. I’m surprised to see this necro but man - props to Vex and Leah and anyone else who was catching some of what went by here and scrubbing it off of the forums.

It was, to be gentle, entirely shameful. I actually manually logged my account out of the forum for a bit and considered requesting account deletion. Between the random speculations about James and … some other things … for no other reason than a desire to disassociate from this community.

IDK I deleted some stuff from this post. Why bring up specifics. This whole scenario turned into a nightmare for them. And the personal comments about James were absolutely unacceptable.


We just want a meaningful update from Monumental. So far they’ve said @#!^ all. It’s just “we’re still transferring the game” for a year and a half now. That’s great that they are keeping the game alive but I’d rather them take the entire game down and actually work on things before bringing it back up personally.


I was forced to quit when my 10 year old PS4’s HDMI went kaput. I can not tell you how much I miss playing. The update may happen someday or it may not, but take it from me, either way, enjoy it while it lasts.

Like many, I was irritated by no updates, but now realize how I miss playing the game as is.


Boundless is worlds better than Minecraft and much, much more possible and doable. Only the people who complain like little children here because of updates etc and call the game dead. Then you can play Tetris. Halma or chess or Minecraft. Such whining You can’t listen to it anymore. Anyone who loves Boundless etc will continue to play it. I play it day after day, sometimes longer, sometimes less and I haven’t even gotten bored of it. There’s a lot to do :slight_smile:


That is a given.

Cool. I hear ya. The problem is most do not agree.

September 2018 Average Players On PC - 354
March 2024 Average Players on PC - 32


Look up most any game after 6-7 years from launch and you’ll see about the same percentage of players lost. I think it’s a bad comparison.

Steam Charts Shows

2019 Yearly Avg - 127
2020 Yearly Avg - 116
2021 Yearly Avg - 63
2022 Yearly Avg - 58
2023 Yearly Avg - 56

I’d throw out 2018 simply as it wasn’t a full year and 2018 was the day it was released. Add in the fact release was a nightmare from what I have heard due to planets being full and people not being able to play together.

There was also a huge spike in Twitch views 3 of those months…

Sept 2018 - 4627 Twitch viewers
November 2018 - 1541 Twitch viewers
April 2020 - 4385 Twitch viewers

Figured I’d share that as it would seem 2018 was a pretty crappy year for Boundless as a whole, I wasn’t around, but apparently 2-3 mid-sized streamers didn’t like it for some reason. I may try and dig up those streams and see what was said during them.

Point to all this, I agree people are bored, but I also say new content isn’t going to make it an overnight hit. The game or the perception of it was poorly received … Titans, Swords and Shields and a new NPE won’t make the game have 100k players.

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Wish I could edit this post, but I didn’t consider that it was most likely multiple streamers accounting for these numbers. In my research I see a few sponsored streams none of which had a very large following.

clap shia