Thoughts on the impact of a creative ecosystem

That suggestion limits the access to new world rules to an in game item transition vs the already established means of transport…portals.

Creative is the first of new worlds with different rules. They will not be the last.

There has been talk of adventure worlds, dungeon worlds…there are already worlds you can’t plot on…and it doesn’t break the experience.

Planets with special rules will be a staple of boundless, and Creative will be just another ‘type of world’ in the rear view mirror a year from now.


Exactly everything you said :blush::blush::blush:

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I think you’re a bit ahead of things here. I just had to explain that creative isn’t the same as “local sandbox” any more and some of the differences between creative and sovereign to a player the other night, a long time player who has also long since abandoned the forums.

This is a bit of an exaggeration here. But fair enough to make a point. Still “go to the sanctum and use the creative portal” isn’t nearly this extreme.

I suspect most of these world ‘types’ will be user-created experiences consisting of sovereign or creative worlds. If we get enough tools to make these happen some of them will even happen on public worlds. But the more granular permission types on the rental planets are certainly going to help.

As far as things promised or teased by the devs, we’re getting there with permanent and exo worlds, and rentals coming in sovereign and creative flavors. With ongoing feature development that will cover pretty much everything I’ve read about. Just conjecture but I suspect titans will come with an exo-like arrangement.

However they work it out, this will hopefully be true.

I doubt it’s the size, or really the distance (blinksecs) that matter. In an idle state it’s probably just storage to keep the portal connection “ready”. As soon as it becomes an active portal there’s a connection between the servers with both a memory and a computational cost on both ends.

Each open portal is sending updates and rendering information for several chunks so it’s an actual client connection to the server with the attendant resource usage for the world that user is on, and the world(s) at the other end of any open portals.

That’s a bit of a side track though, and as mentioned earlier in the thread due to some people mentioning free fuel for everyone to make things ‘fair’ is to definitely agree that these costs need to be accounted for in the cash price of renting a world.

It may be an important part of the pricing discussion but with that as a given it doesn’t really change the discussion about methods of exploiting unlimited free (no oort cost) portals or how it affects players in the survival ecosystem.

I mean on my part, I’m one who sees “I paid for that” as perfectly fair. I’m not really against most things that are seen as P2W situations :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a question, this was on the top of my screen while I was typing. This states that you could “/creative”. I never played minecraft at all, does this indicate that there’s a console type command or interface change you have to make to basically switch to creative mode?

Minecraft has a console, for a long time it was pretty basic but currently it has way more tools built in.


I’m mainly curious whether that was just a strange way to type something out, or if it indicates that there’s a specific action that a user typically has to take to enter creative mode when playing in a mixed minecraft environment.

Yes you can type /creative /survival and the player name to change their game mode.

All command can be especifically blocked by and admin in server tho


All right so the player has to make a conscious decision and take a specific action, each time. That’s what I was trying to clear up. Thanks @Cuetzpalomitl

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Back in the old days of Minecraft I remember there were servers with mods that allowed the creation portals to other maps or worlds so admins built hubs and you could use those portals to travel to survival, creative, and other players made modes.

I used to feel this way, and for some games I still do feel that creative is a sub-par experience. Sadly, Boundless does not feature in that list for me any longer.

At present I’m in the situation where neither Survival nor creative really fits my preferences. Survival has long since lost any sense of achievement due to it feeling (to me) to be a mundane, skill-less grind for even the simplest of projects, championed by people who have far more free time than I will ever have. Creative will not truly have the sense of achievement either, as you have said, due to it being handed to you in its entirety.

When faced with two imperfect options which may fail to hold my interest in equal measure, If I’m going to pick any, I’m going to pick the one that will at least be fun while it lasts and so go with creative. I think that’s why I’m so strongly for a seamless universe. I don’t want to be on one side of a needless divide in the community.


I wonder what’s going to happen when people who are attracted to the game, and come start their experience in creative, want to participate in other parts of the game. Hunting, contests, eventually maybe PVP, etc…

A lot of players will have a mixed experience, do a bit before engaging with creative, or whatever, I mean at least they’ll have some skills to work with.

There’s still the example of the person who comes and gets into creative right away. The most common thing that’s been mentioned to me is content creators (thus ‘influencers’) etc…

Without building XP, gathering XP, mining for materials, crafting blocks, etc… I wonder what will become the method for these folks who want to reach out into the larger universe and participate in the other, more social aspects of the game.

Do you think it will become the renaissance of rock rooms and gleam farms?

I think it is a big assumption that creative excludes social activities. First and foremost are group builds. Having spent many many hours doing this in survival, I can guarantee you this can be a social activity. You can host any kind of building contest you want. You can remove invulnerability and flying and still hunt. You may not get the drops, but you can kill the mobs and die resulting in a lost meteor. You can build mazes and maybe dungeons if you control the permissions and other settings. I am not sure that it will be necessary for players to be in the survival portion of the universe to engage in “social activities”. I will also note that contests or games in creative put every player on almost exactly the same footing. They have access to the same skills, resources, tools and weapons. Not to say that experience could not make a difference, but it is the only difference.

If players want to grind for the xp and skill points to engage in exo planets and other survival activities then they will. There is certainly enough information out there on methods to gain xp quickly, earn coin, forge and craft. It is always pointed out how easy it is to do these things so I am not sure why creative planets will create a problem. I will note that I do believe players need to complete a certain amount of the tutorial or they are not going to be happy in either play mode.

Edit. I have played enough games with creative and non creative modes or allowed mods that I just do not think it is as big an issue as players think it will be. I have had to craft and gather everything and also played in sandbox mode and spammed what I wanted in numerous games such as space engineers.


Another option would be that the other survival<>creative portals do continue to act as normal 2-way portals, so you can traverse a “creative hub” back into survival… but if the portal is not the one that you entered creative with then it is cloudy and an interaction prompt allows you to open it… if you pay the equivalent warp cost calculated from where you entered creative

It is all very… complicated though, lots of special cases and special behaviour which is a negative, ultimately the simplest conceptually is a totally seperate universe, but its also a bit rubbish and we want to be able to have portal into creative if we can to keep the immersion.


I still think the best solution is to have the game store your survival location when you go to creative, and no matter what portal you take back to survival, the game deposits you at your original survival location. I don’t see how that would be THAT difficult to do as far as programming.

I’m also a fan of calling it the dream realm as far as integrating it logically into game lore. Why can you fly and have infinite mats? Because it’s a dream! Why do you get deposited back at your start location in survival? Because you woke up from a dream!

Perhaps shelf it for now and release it?


Yes, yes, I wantz a sovereign, stat, hehe


A few Qs to toss out there…(ok, more like 20 questions lol)

So if people were allowed to create normal 2 way hubs to Creative planets, it would work as usual - as long as the person goes back to survival through the same portal?

Is it possible that this portal glows/sparkles/something, or has a special aura so they can quickly tell that’s the portal they came from? Or would they need to go up to all of the portals in a hub to see if they turn cloudy?

Would the portal have to be created on the Survival side so that the Creative side can’t alter it?
How would it be made since portal tokens can’t leave/enter the Creative planet?

If a person on a Creative planet exits via a cloudy portal, what currency will they use to pay the portal fee since they don’t have coins?

That’s why I think it’s better if they just return whence they came

Probably, but how would a group of friends follow each other there for contests & things?
ie: I want to go to your planet, but I’ve never been there and it’s not showing up in the sky for me to use a totem on bc there are 5 other planets in my sky (the max). How do I get to your place?


They’d take a portal there? I’m confused

Portals going to creative are fine

It’s just returning to survival where you have to be deposited back where you came from

Alternatively just make the region and t5t6 jumps lower in oort cost, and then it won’t really matter and you could just have open portals to and from creative. Potentially a better solution.

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So hubs don’t exist?

Creative hubs are going to be a thing or warp to your friends right?

(not @ just Cuetzpalomitl … for everyone)

So, then we’re probably back to discussing making portals work 2 ways :smile:

Therefore: do portals that go to Creative planets need to be made on survival planets only?
How do you mark where players end up on the Creative planet? You can’t take portal tokens to a Survival planet at the moment.