Tier 5-6 planet Meteors. Remove components and seeds

Wouldn’t it be better to keep the seeds in higher tier but increase the oort drop as well? Maybe if they got rid of some of the random stuff that comes out of a meteor they could put more oort…
But then again, it’s kinda cool to have to pick I think.


Just got done running a T6 platform hunt on shedu tier. We had around 20 people show up from 930est to 1100est.

Normally in that time, I average between 190-220 rough oortstones with only 8 people showing up…

…tonight…142 rough oortstones and 36 sentinels crest kernels…

Which would be 50 LESS ROUGH OORTSTONES than average!!! 50!!!

Also totals out to Almost 750 less oort shards!


I guess they can’t giveth without taketh away. Maybe a logical balance to them, but a not very fun one for gamers. They are gamers, right?


This is going to hurt a lot of hunting guilds as well as people who need oort to fuel portal networks. :unamused:


I know things have been hectic with the buffer issues, though I am hoping something will be done about this.

Any chance something may be done about the % of oort drop on high level planets caused by the seeds being added. @james just wondering.

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I still think you should, even if it wouldn’t affect me as EU much. It’d only be fair.

That aside though, I haven’t noticed much of a difference myself, honestly.
Maybr my rng is just in my favor for that one time in my life, or I’m incredibly forgetful and don’t realise I get less. Honestly, both are likely. :laughing:

Maybe this will go down in history as The Great Oort Shortage of 2019 lol I went to a few places the other day and seen a great deal of portals closed and i thought to myself, maybe people are going on strike because of The Great Oort Shortage of 2019 :thinking:

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I always found a lower tier planets drop more ort anyway and always dropped mere meteors. Always got more ort in a group of 5 smashing them out than the big hunts. Big hunts for me was awesome for mats. I also found that running around the planet seemed to drop more meteors than warping. But maybe I am tripping

Not tripping! Meteors have a chance to drop after crossing a 300x300 block gridline as well as when crossing a region line. Typically the gridline meteors are smaller, though.

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Smaller I don’t mind ort is ort and let’s be honest it takes no time even if on your own

So if you’re using https://boundless-maps.com/?planet=Grovidias%20Te and “Show Regions”, these blue and orange gridlines show where you could proc a gridline meteor.


I feel should definitely get more oort on T5-6 planets. That’s how it was before the update and that’s how it should still be. Otherwise what’s the real benefit of hunting a high tier world. Seeds do not feel like a reward.


I am on ps4…but I am thinking I could link up using a tablet…more I think about it. Why didn’t I do that earlier…lol

Disagree…Yes u might get more per metors but I always got alot more ort per hour hunt time on lower tier planets. Only because u get then done quick and terrain is easy to get around triggering more meteors. When on boori at a tree farm I get 3 sometime 4 meteors in 5 minutes it’s crazy…I go there often when I am on my own and need ort quick. But u don’t get the mats u might want though

Went from 230-250 oort in 2 hrs before update. Now to 150-170 oort in 2hrs after update which added seeds. This should not be happening.

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Wow that a huge difference…

Hoping to see something about this fixed. Tech or ore removed from high tier world meteors. Does anyone really use these seeds?

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It’ll be fixed when the aoe spanner/fist and lighting are fixed :joy:


So ready so this to hopefully happen. Still would like to see the useless items removed from meteors. Please remove tech and seeds from meteors, you could make the seeds craftable. Such as a recipe of:

Rock salt
Refined stone (color of rock would determine the color of the crystal)
Gems (to make seed prestigious)
Gleam (possibly?)

Remove ores also please!