What if I’d prefer “Wayfarer Mesira” in-game? “Mesira, The Wayfarer” doesn’t have the same ring to it, but it might be because I’m not natively English-speaking.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(10 char)
When we earned “titles” on the forums, I originally thought they were also earned in game. in fact the steam page seems to agree with me:
Boundless Digital Deluxe Edition includes:
An exclusive in-game title
A 10% lifetime bonus to your total beacon plot balance - build bigger and better!
Boundless Original Soundtrack: Complete Edition – 200 tracks, over 12 hours playtime!
A Wood Coffer containing 500 Cubits to exchange in game
30 days of Gleam Club membership
An exclusive weapon crafting recipe: The Golden Fist
Not sure how to download the original soundtrack either to be honest. Sometimes I would like to sit and relax to some boundless atmosphere tunes, they can be quite calming.
Edit: so I think titles are coming, even if they aren’t here yet.
supreme explorer lunai. my char is built to T4+ exploring. but im a pioneer lvl 30-40