TNT Auction - the first PERFECT lucient gem forge

Brought to you by the one and only forge master extraordinaire MrNix… For the first time available to the public on the live servers, we have 1 perfectly forged rift grapple up for grabs.

These things shouldnt exist, and you cant get them anywhere else (even i dont have one yet!).

The best long range grapple possible in the game, and possibly the only time youre ever going to get a chance to try it.

Bidding starts at 100,000c

Bidding ends at 10pm UTC, Monday 6th May.

Good luck.


20,000c reserve if no one else bids.

Bidding starts at 100,000c. They cost more than 20k to make. If we dont get any bids we’re happy to keep them for ourselves, just thought we’d share the opportunity for one at least.

Nice one! if no one else bids id pay 70k

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37hrs 30mins remaining…

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100,000c … I would like to try

Bravo Mr Nix


holy mother of pearl


Wow!!! Amazing job!!!

Is that beautiful of a forge even legal? Haha! My god, I would be too scared to even use it!


Thanks guys :joy:

Very nice!



Awesome job forging! I am jealous!

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Hey I’m just putting this pic here to say a couple of things about these grapples.

I’ve used these grapples for a couple of weeks now. Almost three weeks on my main. I realize that may not sound like a lot at first, but I’ve played hundreds of hours in that time, and many of them using these grapples.

They’ve mapped three exos, gone on my hunter for a couple of t6/t7 hunts, and hauled me 1200 - 2800m or more running across low level worlds to shops or builds that I can’t be bothered to hunt through random portals. Dozens of times.

I have to admit i sometimes grapple stuff just to see what I can grapple, at 95m away. With no guild buffs. I opted for reel speed, and these can take me across the ice of besevrona so fast that my poor little graphics card fails me over 90% of the time and I end up sliding through a lovely pink cloud =D

Next time I would try projectile speed like the one being offered here because hitting a moving target (or hitting a target when you’re moving) gets pretty hard out over 50 - 60 meters. Both options are great though.

Having this perfected would be great. For those that didn’t follow the discussion the grapples we made like the one I’ve pictured were running close to 600 rounds of forging, it literally took hours. I can’t speak to the nixian method here but I can assure you it’s not anything like forging a common diamond hammer or emerald grapple.

I don’t know how many players can honestly bid on this if they want it. There is a premium for being first at something, some people are into that and some aren’t. I feel like this price reflects that, but not to a crazy level.

GL on the auction and passeva if you take it at that price, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Except maybe that there’s no equal for your other paw :sob:


I need motivation to finish some atlases, I think this grapple could help me with the grapple buff 3 if I win the auction. Also I did not have the opportunity to try tools in rift and blink because I turned everything into decorative block. I almost use titanium and sapphire for everything

24hrs 25mins remaining…

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14hrs 53mins remaining…

8hrs 44mins remaining…

I just want to say good going to MrNix there and kudos to you! These are definitely premium items.

Looks like @anon94355725 is going to win it. Not much time left to bid…4 hours left.

105,000c what the hell may as well.


Thank you!
2:28 left to go!