An extra million has been added to the prize pool - we now have a third place prize of 800,000 coin + some oort, and 2 additional 100k spot prizes (7 in total now).
I can’t find any WIP how many builds are there so far elly-chan
DKMall roof, cellar, and ride contests and the tree contest haven’t ended yet afaik.
There’s something I really really want to build if I can hirry up and finish off the details of my mall slide, creative mode is exactly the place to do it too. Is there any place iin particular it needs to be located on Janus II?
Through here:
Anywhere in the area surrounding the landing zone
No hard and fast rules but broadly in this area.
Plotted mine out this morning - excited to get building!
What area is your build in (direction from portal), want to check it out when I can log in =)
Haven’t started yet, just plotted it out. Been a super busy week I’ll get on it this week though It’s over near the Cthulhu Mountains
You know exactly the mountains I mean, Kas
when the oceans ran red, oh what fun I had with cthulhu
Can’t wait to see everyone’s creations when it comes time
Question how do you access all items on ps4 to build with?
Knowledge tab I believe is how you get items on creative world’s. I believe it has option to pick the color also.
If you have wireless mouse and keyboard that work with PS4 it’s much easier to navigate the knowledge menu.
this is the forest spirit. we all have it in each of us. it is why we are all here.
pixel frame & T-Rex arms bwhaha!!
Just came and saw this, looks really awesome.
hopefully simba isnt a ps4 player… thats like the most bitter sweet irony…
4K images with the draw distance of a potato
Does anyone know when the results will be in on the contest winners?