That will work for me
Might be a little late for me but if @Primetime18 is available he may assist.
Absolutely love it bro!
Great work!
Thank you for staying up so late and sorting it out. I really like the way the new hubs look
Sorry got busy with things. I will setup a request basket at the joker farm hub and set it up with a sign over it.
Friendly reminder, switch happens on 2022-10-26T02:00:00Z.
Sorry I am late to the party, but I def want to collect tokens for Beladriel and Forlorn outpost.
^c^ I can collect later if needed. Figured I’d post now that I saw this.
I can collect for @Novaria too - Rose ruby and Topazinga
Ahoy ahoy
Portal has been switched
If anyone is pending a token please let us know and we will assist you. Portals to the old hubs will remain until everyone is switched over
I just got surprised by the switch-over tonight. All cool though!
I’m interested in tokens for 49, 64, and 75. Let me know what options you have to coordinate that exchange. Thanks!
Couple of notes: I noticed my player name is missing an ‘s’ at the end in your list.
Also, could I get the sign on #64 corrected? It currently is showing the region name instead of the settlement. I would love it if it just said “Spire”. Thanks!
I won’t be around until later on tonight. If a request basket for the Oort and token is set up I’ll swing by s soon as I do
Love the new network!!
I wish the T5-T6 portal networks put some key items in their hubs. Things like Warp Conduits, Warp Augments, maybe atlases (which some have).
I can’t count the number of times I have gone to go to an Exo and totally forgot Warp Conduits, augments or both.
NOTED! I do have a few tweaks to do but I’ll keep that in mind.
Appreciate all the work @kasaisaru
I’ve placed some request baskets on the beacon side of each old portal for 49, 64, & 75, just near the portal(s). One for the new tokens and one for any starter Oort you can spare. Thanks!
Dropped it off at Four corners
Do you need an oort shard donation to get things going? I’m just now seeing this
I dont remember seeing any of the alts that i knew of.
I have a request basket at the joker farm for a token on houchus I. The portal size is 1x2. I still need one.
Got them all, and all portals reopened to the new hubs. Oh, and thank you for fixing the sign at McKrib; very nice. Thanks!